Re: 20 rupees not 20 dollars
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Posted by Dawn G. on May 15, 2000 at 21:04:40:
In Reply to: Re: 20 rupees not 20 dollars posted by Theadora on May 15, 2000 at 19:20:28:
I dug out my invoice from Navneet. I ordered all 23 books back in January. The books ranged in price from 50 cents!! to $1.50 in U.S. dollars. So for 23 books, it came to $21.50, but they gave me a discount for some reason, so that brought it down to $17.20. Plus $24.00 shipping. Shipping cost more than the books. (g) Including shipping I paid $41.20 in U.S. dollars for 23 books. Works out to less than $2.00 per book.
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