Old, crusty, and refusal to compromise
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 25, 2000 at 20:35:59:
In Reply to: Re: stinging henna paste posted by Kenzi on July 25, 2000 at 19:46:59:
Being old and crotchety has its advantages I can get away with behaving like Diana Trent .... one woman last week asked repeatedly for a pattern to be put on her back, her breast, her chest ... and I explained patiently each time that the skin was too thin there, and that the stain would probably dissappoint her. I explained that the pre-made pastes that might do the job also might cause her an uncomfortable rash, so I wouldn't use them. And, I explained that I simply would not do work that I didn't feel would be magnificent, because it's my henna reputation at Brushwood that's walking around on her, and if any one's henna sucks, then I suck. She persisted, and persisted, and every time I got firmer and firmer in my reply. When I said "I refuse to waste my time and your money, but you're welcome to go to another henna artist who will be happy to do both....." she finally wandered off. I don't know if she thought, like a child, if she simply repeated her request often enough that I would wear down ... but, I DON'T. I may occasionally come accross as an obstinant old bitch, but at Brushwood, people do come to me if they want reliable excellence in henna. Doing guality henna is much more important to me than making people like me. At this point, quality henna is more also important than money.... an indulgence I can afford because I'm retired.
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