hehe, it makes me wish I were old! (nm)
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Posted by Nick on July 26, 2000 at 08:14:11:
In Reply to: Old, crusty, and refusal to compromise posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 25, 2000 at 20:35:59:
: Being old and crotchety has its advantages I can get away with : behaving like Diana Trent .... one woman last week asked repeatedly : for a pattern to be put on her back, her breast, her chest ... and I : explained patiently each time that the skin was too thin there, and : that the stain would probably dissappoint her. I explained that the : pre-made pastes that might do the job also might cause her an : uncomfortable rash, so I wouldn't use them. And, I explained that I : simply would not do work that I didn't feel would be magnificent, : because it's my henna reputation at Brushwood that's walking around on : her, and if any one's henna sucks, then I suck. She persisted, and : persisted, and every time I got firmer and firmer in my reply. When : I said "I refuse to waste my time and your money, but you're welcome : to go to another henna artist who will be happy to do both....." she : finally wandered off. I don't know if she thought, like a child, if : she simply repeated her request often enough that I would wear down : ... but, I DON'T. : I may occasionally come accross as an obstinant old bitch, but at : Brushwood, people do come to me if they want reliable excellence in : henna. Doing guality henna is much more important to me than making : people like me. At this point, quality henna is more also important : than money.... an indulgence I can afford because I'm retired.
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