New Skin removal (I'll get Sirius soon ...)
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 26, 2000 at 00:14:26:
In Reply to: sirius rising and a new skin question posted by jocelyne on July 25, 2000 at 20:36:20:

I've been trying to get 200 emails answered that stacked up while I was at Sirius ... so I haven't yet had time to write an eloquent Sirius piece ... but as I'm down to 36 stale but crucial emails, I will try to do that tomorrow ... As for New Skin ... there are several ways to get rid of it quickly and easily! 1) if you're doing the full TP and clingwrap thing, put the TP down while the NS is still wet. Then, when you rinse off in the morning, the TP will take the NS with it. 2) cover NS with liquid latex ... this is primo for back or chest pieces. NS over very dry henna, then liquid latex over that, then baby powder the dried liquid latex. You can wear clothing over that, and roll around in bed with it. When you peel the latex off the next morning, off comes nearly all the NS. 3) after you rinse in the morning, rub oil of some sort into the NS and it will come off just like getting chewing gum out of hair. Any oil will do, but I LOVE the oils made for Afro-American hair like Hot 6 Oil and Miracle 8 Oil! Fragrant, natural, lovely! 4) steam the NS off by holding your hennaed part over a pan of simmering water or steaming it with a garment steamer. That not only takes off the NS, it maxes out the henna color like you wouldn't believe! The pic here is a NS and gonzo steam job! (If I haven't screwed up the link...)
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