thanks :)
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Posted by jocelyne on July 26, 2000 at 06:40:36:
In Reply to: New Skin removal (I'll get Sirius soon ...) posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 26, 2000 at 00:14:26:
thanks a million Catherine! you're the best! :) :) : I've been trying to get 200 emails answered that stacked up while I : was at Sirius ... so I haven't yet had time to write an eloquent : Sirius piece ... but as I'm down to 36 stale but crucial emails, I : will try to do that tomorrow ...
: As for New Skin ... there are several ways to get rid of it quickly : and easily! : 1) if you're doing the full TP and clingwrap thing, put the TP down : while the NS is still wet. Then, when you rinse off in the morning, : the TP will take the NS with it. : 2) cover NS with liquid latex ... this is primo for back or chest : pieces. NS over very dry henna, then liquid latex over that, then baby : powder the dried liquid latex. You can wear clothing over that, and : roll around in bed with it. When you peel the latex off the next : morning, off comes nearly all the NS. : 3) after you rinse in the morning, rub oil of some sort into the NS : and it will come off just like getting chewing gum out of hair. Any : oil will do, but I LOVE the oils made for Afro-American hair like Hot : 6 Oil and Miracle 8 Oil! Fragrant, natural, lovely! : 4) steam the NS off by holding your hennaed part over a pan of : simmering water or steaming it with a garment steamer. That not only : takes off the NS, it maxes out the henna color like you wouldn't : believe! The pic here is a NS and gonzo steam job! (If I haven't : screwed up the link...)
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