What!! Oh no... oh my God... *sob*
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Posted by Liisa on July 26, 2000 at 04:34:57:
In Reply to: Paste o' Death, North of the (U.S.) Border posted by Kenzi on July 25, 2000 at 19:29:14:
: I started checking out the henna artists while just walking around town and right away some very familiar designs jumped out at me. The ones I saw first were Liisa's beautiful brushwork designs (my fave is the dolphin). One person had the whole gamut plus some that I hadn't seen before. Is this true? Are you serius? Are you sure? Did he mention my name with the designs? The ones on my website are for personal use only, unless I agree on it with the artist, like I have agreed with Myst. It's not that I would be envious for people making money with my designs or anything (it's their profession, for christ's sake), I just want to know who uses them, where and what for... Gary Larson once said about his cartoons that he doesn't want to see them aroung the net because they're like children to him, and as his children, he wouldn't like to see them getting lost in a dark forest or a strange city... it might sound funny, but that's exactly the way I feel about my designs... i've put a piece of me in every single one them. I hadn't even thought of it before, but of course it's also important, that a person who uses them for commercial purposes does it without hurting the customers. My designs are supposed to be done with 100% pure, natural henna!! I haven't recieved any mail from any Canadian henna artists asking a permission to use my desings, either with black of original henna. I feel horrible, think if somebody now has a horrible swollen black henna burn around one of my designs! Oh my God! Should I stop drawing altogether? Should I take the designs offline? I'm helping an ignorant person to hurt people! -Liisa
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