Re: And at the Southernmost Point.
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Posted by Nick on July 26, 2000 at 09:05:39:
In Reply to: Re: And at the Southernmost Point. posted by Erfan on July 26, 2000 at 08:38:21:
: Nick I know,how you feel like!!!!! : About one month ago,in Vienna there was a very big : festival "Donauinselfest". : I did mehndi over there-there wer 3 other mehndi-artists too. : The one applied black mehndi-I asked him,whats in his past-he told me: : Ammonia,Ammoniak,HAIR DYE(just imagine!!!),henna,clove oil,Alkohol- : acid. : I WAS SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : At the first day,about 200 to 300 folks went,to get a "black death"- : tattoo. : But the second,third and finally 4th day only 2-5 people came to him. : He asked me about my stuff,because I had a lot of clients. : I told him,what I used. : I gave him my number-he wants to learn the REAL stuff. : The first day,I saw him working on a child-with the "henna".I tried : to tell the childīs parents about this past-but they only laughed : about me. : 2 days later,the parents came back-their kid was in HOSPITAL!!!!!! : No joke!!!!! : And I found out also,that evryone(not me) was very expensiv!!!!!!! : Imagine:about 10$ for a single finger(bad,thick work) or : an "om"!!!!!!! : I was shocked!!!! : And the colour was very bad too. : I tried to tell my clients a lot about the art too-the other : hennaartists only wanted money!!!!!! : I gave my clients a garantie for good colour. : There was only one hennaartist,who was intrested in making her : clients happy-but she was VERYYYYY expansiv too!!!!!!! : So,Nick,donīt worry-we have to tell "outsiders" about the art and : abou the real stuff!!!!!!!!!! : Erfan I'm very impressed with all that you have accomplished at only 15 years old! Daler Mehndi's aunt, Lou Bega's dancers... I'm only 13 myself, and it's agreat inspiration to hear all that someone only 2 years older than me has done!
Anyways, I am just like you, I just want my customers to be satisfied. Did the parents of that poor child sue that bad bad man? I don't know if people are so quick to sling a lawsuit in Austria, but in the US somone would have definately gotten sued. It's so STUPID that those parents just laughed at you! Don't they care at all for the health and well being of their child? ~Nick
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