Re: And at the Southernmost Point.
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Posted by Erfan on July 26, 2000 at 13:44:16:
In Reply to: Re: And at the Southernmost Point. posted by Nick on July 26, 2000 at 09:05:39:
: : Nick I know,how you feel like!!!!! : : About one month ago,in Vienna there was a very big : : festival "Donauinselfest". : : I did mehndi over there-there wer 3 other mehndi-artists too. : : The one applied black mehndi-I asked him,whats in his past-he told : me: : : Ammonia,Ammoniak,HAIR DYE(just imagine!!!),henna,clove oil,Alkohol- : : acid. : : I WAS SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : : At the first day,about 200 to 300 folks went,to get a "black death"- : : tattoo. : : But the second,third and finally 4th day only 2-5 people came to : him. : : He asked me about my stuff,because I had a lot of clients. : : I told him,what I used. : : I gave him my number-he wants to learn the REAL stuff. : : The first day,I saw him working on a child-with the "henna".I tried : : to tell the childīs parents about this past-but they only laughed : : about me. : : 2 days later,the parents came back-their kid was in HOSPITAL!!!!!! : : No joke!!!!! : : And I found out also,that evryone(not me) was very expensiv!!!!!!! : : Imagine:about 10$ for a single finger(bad,thick work) or : : an "om"!!!!!!! : : I was shocked!!!! : : And the colour was very bad too. : : I tried to tell my clients a lot about the art too-the other : : hennaartists only wanted money!!!!!! : : I gave my clients a garantie for good colour. : : There was only one hennaartist,who was intrested in making her : : clients happy-but she was VERYYYYY expansiv too!!!!!!! : : So,Nick,donīt worry-we have to tell "outsiders" about the art and : : abou the real stuff!!!!!!!!!! : : Erfan : : I'm very impressed with all that you have accomplished at only 15 : years old! Daler Mehndi's aunt, Lou Bega's dancers... I'm only 13 : myself, and it's agreat inspiration to hear all that someone only 2 : years older than me has done! : Anyways, I am just like you, I just want my customers to be : satisfied. Did the parents of that poor child sue that bad bad man? I : don't know if people are so quick to sling a lawsuit in Austria, but : in the US somone would have definately gotten sued. It's so STUPID : that those parents just laughed at you! Don't they care at all for : the health and well being of their child? : ~Nick Nick,donīt forget:I know henna since Iīm 5!!!!!! And I thought you are older*lol* THATS VERY COOL TO SEE THE YOUNG GENERATION IS INTRESSTED IN HENNA TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very good!!!!! How did you became a mehndi-artist???? Erfan
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