Re: Professionals
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 26, 1998 at 23:09:21:
In Reply to: Professionals posted by Sue Atkinson on April 26, 1998 at 21:12:45:
"Professionals" is a very tricky word in English! Look at how "professional" versus "amateur" has been a thorn in Olympic sports. In other countries, professional includes the sense that one has studied and passed examinations to practice an art, and that a high standard of behaviour is is expected of the people when they are practicing the art...in India, the artisans for many traditional crafts do exactly that. In the US, the step from amateur status to pro is simply the exchange of money, and has little to do with the quality of the procuct or the time spent learing. There may be different expectations based on cultural assumptions with the word "professionals" here.