Does PPD come in a powder or liquid form (or both)?
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Posted by Giselle on July 31, 2000 at 21:04:52:
In Reply to: Possible transdermal toxin exposure by PPD "Black Henna" posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 31, 2000 at 13:16:00:
: I honestly don't know for certain what you got, (though, pussycat, NO : WAY was it henna!) but you should probably make an appointment with : your MD, especially if 2-6 weeks after your "black henna" you have : raised itchy, oozy, blisters. Please print out the link below and take : it to your MD. He needs to evaluate whether or not you have had a : dose of PPD and whether or not it is causing you problems. : REAL Henna NEVER makes a BLACK stain in a quick application. If you : have PPD painted on your skin in a hot climate where it is sunny and : you are sweatting profusely, you are far more likely to have a vicious : dose of this transdermal toxin. : If your problems worsen, please let us know, and if you go to an MD : and get a history, and are willing to be interviewed, we would be so : greatful! If you could help us assemble information on a widening : health problem, you can help many, many other people. It's not HIV, : but it definitely sucks, especially for lack of verifiable : information in the hands of a wide group of people.
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