Possible transdermal toxin exposure by PPD "Black Henna"
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 31, 2000 at 13:16:00:
In Reply to: henna from Mexico posted by Mel on July 31, 2000 at 11:09:35:
I honestly don't know for certain what you got, (though, pussycat, NO WAY was it henna!) but you should probably make an appointment with your MD, especially if 2-6 weeks after your "black henna" you have raised itchy, oozy, blisters. Please print out the link below and take it to your MD. He needs to evaluate whether or not you have had a dose of PPD and whether or not it is causing you problems. REAL Henna NEVER makes a BLACK stain in a quick application. If you have PPD painted on your skin in a hot climate where it is sunny and you are sweatting profusely, you are far more likely to have a vicious dose of this transdermal toxin. If your problems worsen, please let us know, and if you go to an MD and get a history, and are willing to be interviewed, we would be so greatful! If you could help us assemble information on a widening health problem, you can help many, many other people. It's not HIV, but it definitely sucks, especially for lack of verifiable information in the hands of a wide group of people.
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