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Putting together a begining Henna class/workshop - AmberLynn08 22:09:31 1/31/2002
where can i buy henna online ? - din 19:37:17 1/31/2002
Storing Henna Powder - Carly 18:06:39 1/31/2002
Upcoming book projects..... - Erfan 18:05:03 1/31/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Leigh-Ann 14:59:35 1/31/2002
Dear Catherine, orange blossom patterns(?) - jennifer 18:42:22 1/30/2002
tent swap - Lauren 17:42:04 1/30/2002
Native American Tribal Pattern book coming soon - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:12:18 1/30/2002
Arabic words - Lauren 16:40:17 1/30/2002
Help with demons - Lauren 15:09:15 1/30/2002
Good News! And a Question... - Anne Beltestad 14:19:15 1/30/2002
It's killin' me that I can't henna my hands ..... - Kim 07:40:20 1/30/2002
Thanks CCJ!!! - shaon 00:42:59 1/30/2002
COMPLEATLY of TOPIC - samantha 00:04:16 1/30/2002
Incubus Dude's tattoo - Nick 23:40:13 1/29/2002
Henna Slandered in national UK womans magazine - samantha 15:01:32 1/29/2002
my colorful feets - Peregrine 20:21:28 1/28/2002
HELP...please - Jacque Martinson 19:20:49 1/28/2002
not (entirely) unrelated - Anne Beltestad 19:00:09 1/28/2002
Learn Henna(Mehendi) design and Bridal Henna Package. - Sonia 16:40:30 1/28/2002
henna in georgia?? - sallie 02:50:07 1/28/2002
Titanium Powder - Lezard 01:30:05 1/28/2002
Employment Advert - Sussex Area UK - ONLY! - Mark 22:28:13 1/27/2002
message for Catherine Cartwright Jones - lorraine oates uk 21:53:03 1/27/2002
- perhaps ... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:05:36 1/27/2002
Ph? - khoa 03:24:18 1/27/2002
- Re: Ph? - Cahterine Cartwright Jones 12:26:10 1/27/2002
body art as a response to social and environmental stressors - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:25:51 1/27/2002
The mystery of terps and henna; a diary - Anne Beltestad 20:20:03 1/26/2002
Henna found amoung the leftovers - Monica Tittle 18:56:29 1/26/2002
A very cool piece of the puzzle! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:33:45 1/26/2002
pulled the thrice refrozen terped paste out of the freezer.... - Willowhawk 22:15:25 1/25/2002
Sirius NYC Update...the time is drawing near - Kenzi 17:20:00 1/25/2002
Help me find a GOOD Henna Kit - Dan 22:00:41 1/24/2002
change in locale for Sirius Southwest. - Alissa 17:51:28 1/24/2002
Sixth grade workshops - 1 down, 3 to go - Anne in Ct 13:38:39 1/24/2002
fairy tattoo - Melissa Taba 03:35:46 1/24/2002
Arabic,Indian and Sudanese traditional, cultural HELP - lorraine oates uk 21:30:54 1/23/2002
in a bit of a panick, heard henna art banned from LA. CCJ? - jennifer 17:42:25 1/23/2002
water quality - Natasha Papousek 17:24:56 1/23/2002
The Spring Crop from Morocco is coming soon!! - Kenzi 16:05:08 1/23/2002
O/T help!!!!!!maybe sondarto?shaon?ccj?or anyone else???? - Erfan 14:31:54 1/23/2002
HI! - Henna 13:20:46 1/23/2002
Server Downtime - Jeremy 11:43:09 1/23/2002
Just started to read the online Journal... - Graeme 07:05:57 1/23/2002
Hennaing synthetic drumheads? - Nick 00:42:38 1/23/2002
Looking for basic Henna designs - devin dyson 23:12:06 1/22/2002
picramat in hennas & covering gray hair question - nika 18:50:41 1/22/2002
Henna at a ghost town of a fair.... - Lezard 15:27:15 1/22/2002
help I need party pointers! - hawaii girl 07:51:31 1/22/2002
make-up history - silvana 14:10:57 1/21/2002
3 (or more) birds with one stone.... - Graeme 07:51:26 1/21/2002
Henna on blonde - Ally 03:49:45 1/21/2002
o/t looking for the lyrics to Ofra Haza's "Middle East" - Anne in Ct 20:42:36 1/20/2002
To terp or not to terp, that is the question - samantha 19:31:36 1/20/2002
Help for 4 gigs in 4 weeks- need a new recipie, for one thing. - Lauren 18:56:48 1/20/2002
To CCJ - Erfan 15:03:45 1/20/2002
- Re: To CCJ - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:09:55 1/20/2002
Henna Game - Dawn R 14:34:37 1/20/2002
Rock Stars influenced by CCJ's work? - Lauren 22:12:37 1/19/2002
More Kohl stuff, this on antimony - Lauren 22:04:59 1/19/2002
Alex's Acorn Man Hopefully - Lisa K 19:48:58 1/19/2002
What's your favorite brand of henna? - Pauli 19:35:21 1/19/2002
Can I zap white hair a colour of coffee? - lezard 23:59:58 1/18/2002
Chutney Popcorn video on Ebay - Lauren 21:01:42 1/18/2002
Help with sending petition - Lauren 20:53:58 1/18/2002
Henna Journal - Alex 12:04:12 1/18/2002
Henna in you hair - Brie 12:01:46 1/18/2002
Metal J-bottle tips - Maureen 02:41:06 1/18/2002
WTC Tragedy - malinthia 21:01:29 1/17/2002
Illegal Trade of Henna - Brandon Abel 16:39:38 1/17/2002
Greek Symbols - nikk 15:38:36 1/17/2002
another one - samantha 15:30:32 1/17/2002
Interesting reading - samantha 14:56:24 1/17/2002
Kohl and Henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:29:23 1/17/2002
Kohl (important!) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:47:09 1/17/2002
Sigh... This is the problem you WANT to have... - Lauren 13:32:10 1/17/2002
Reproduction of CCJ's Post on ART OF RAJASTHANI....giving Erfan a helping hand here - Lezard 10:34:19 1/17/2002
wow, hennaed candles - Kenzi 00:23:04 1/17/2002
more image stealing - Nick 23:54:04 1/16/2002
Henna question for Sondarya - Prabhu 22:00:51 1/16/2002
Current Form Of Egyption Government? - Ashley 21:26:35 1/16/2002
Traditional and contemporary use of henna in Israel - Anne in CT 20:43:06 1/16/2002
Freezers and terps and paste, Oh My! - Lauren 20:30:15 1/16/2002
help from jeremy or CCJ - Erfan 20:19:34 1/16/2002
Pastry tips? - jessica 20:08:25 1/16/2002
Fresh henna leaves ... - Jewel 16:51:05 1/16/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - jason 15:48:48 1/16/2002
Henna Powder shelf life? - Mavis 11:10:17 1/16/2002
Free Henna Patterns - nurul 06:04:08 1/16/2002
New pattern pages- opinions? - Nick 21:22:43 1/15/2002
Henna Open House in Hartford, CT- on a weekend this time! - Lauren 21:03:38 1/15/2002
How to henna feet? - luma 20:00:06 1/15/2002
Henna Studios in San Antonio, TX or Austin, TX - Sarah M. 17:55:44 1/15/2002
Still looking for Artists - Jen V 16:41:12 1/15/2002
Israeli, African, and popular middle eastern henna hair dye recipe - V 15:55:28 1/15/2002
No henna in Turkey? - Lauren 14:02:01 1/15/2002
Where else to do henna - Lauren 13:57:28 1/15/2002
filming an henna artist at work - cecile letourneur 13:17:47 1/15/2002
To Theadora - Renee 05:53:30 1/15/2002
Re: Henna business for sale in Maui - Cindy Greenwell 21:17:44 1/14/2002
EO website, for those who want to mix - Graeme 09:20:20 1/14/2002
celtic symbols - ali 01:22:44 1/14/2002
Chiness sign for music - Sheena Rogers 00:06:24 1/14/2002
Planning the upcoming henna season- advice, please! - Lauren 22:24:30 1/13/2002
Any advice for a newbie to all of this - Tiffany 06:54:36 1/13/2002
Shipping costs - Lauren 23:45:30 1/12/2002
Making fake henna ??? - Ann 20:53:55 1/12/2002
henna tatoo designs - sarah 13:11:13 1/12/2002
Licensing? - Stephanie 04:47:40 1/12/2002
Stencils - Belle123 02:30:21 1/12/2002
Anne Manning- please read (not important if you're not Anne) - Nickq 19:59:05 1/11/2002
More Henna Help Needed - Jennifer Vasquez 18:44:18 1/11/2002
what would an allergic reaction to natural henna be like? - Anne in CT 17:29:29 1/11/2002
Moroccan Henna & traditional designs - mehndibodyart 23:26:33 1/10/2002
Learn Henna(Mehendi) design and Bridal Henna Package. - Harmesh Gharu 20:27:55 1/10/2002
Searching for Henna Artists - Jennifer Vasquez 17:08:31 1/10/2002
Different shades of henna? - Amara 16:45:04 1/10/2002
Mehndi at workplace (do I have rights ?) - Lilye 16:14:50 1/10/2002
Henna is Finally in my Webpage! - Lezard 15:44:21 1/10/2002
Multicultural Henna holidays - Lauren 13:06:07 1/10/2002
Wedding henna photos...this time it's personal - Kenzi 03:13:32 1/10/2002
Hair Henna sites - Jeremy 22:14:35 1/9/2002
please send me good luck and blessings.......(read) - Erfan 20:39:53 1/9/2002
the quest for success...continued... - Anne Beltestad 18:23:23 1/9/2002
safeskin - kulvir Chana 15:50:34 1/9/2002
Fresh Henna Leaves Experience - Lezard 10:59:53 1/9/2002
Henna article in German E-Zine - Michael 10:24:22 1/9/2002
fairy tattoo - melissa 04:11:15 1/9/2002
SO busy, no henna (little rant) - Lisa K 02:19:31 1/9/2002
New Webpage for Hennaed Hair - Need Comments - Sandra 01:47:07 1/9/2002
Lactic Acid? - Lauren 19:54:09 1/8/2002
dermablend pain;help - sandra 17:57:56 1/8/2002
Carrot bag stuff - Lauren 16:13:08 1/8/2002
childbirth designs - Kryn 03:42:39 1/8/2002
My Senior Project.... - ~*Monica*~ 23:35:38 1/7/2002
E/Os - Eskimomo 23:29:58 1/7/2002
How do I calculate powder to paste ratio? - Lauren 23:15:34 1/7/2002
walnut henna?? - fran 15:59:45 1/7/2002
thankyou for reply but , TERPED??????? - lorraine uk 11:52:58 1/7/2002
henna party in san jose, ca - shawna 05:46:38 1/7/2002
Search for Ravensara - Vanessa 03:29:27 1/7/2002
Pregnancy and Henna - Laurie 02:13:34 1/7/2002
chinese symbol for "promise" - courtney 01:48:42 1/7/2002
Native American Pattern book update - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:57:41 1/7/2002
Allergy to clove oil? - Vanessa 23:48:21 1/6/2002
Musing on terps vs nonterps, body chemistry, etc (long) - Anne Beltestad 21:20:00 1/6/2002
henna paste shelf life - lorraine uk 18:30:53 1/6/2002
Bath & Body Works - Laurie 15:18:53 1/6/2002
Fresh Henna Leaves...any experience - Lezard 06:42:57 1/6/2002
designs - Maria 03:55:55 1/6/2002
porters linament - jerome 00:45:25 1/6/2002
Henna applicator bottles and tips at a good price! - Pauli 21:13:18 1/5/2002
o/t....my new gift!! - Willowhawk 06:28:02 1/5/2002
Hennaing over chemically treated hair! - V 06:27:38 1/5/2002
o/t does tea tree work on acne? if so how well - khoa 05:40:28 1/5/2002
can I reuse henna? - Tessa 01:31:10 1/5/2002
To Lauren & Dawn - Lisa K 00:27:18 1/5/2002
Happy New Year! - Natalie 00:13:17 1/5/2002
Preservatives? - Monica 22:27:04 1/4/2002
Henna Hair Oddness - Lauren 19:20:00 1/4/2002
Being polite about poison- help? - Lauren 19:08:02 1/4/2002
2 Questions!! - Vhannia 01:37:53 1/4/2002
hyrogliphics - Nicole 23:46:31 1/3/2002
in case that other pic doesn't work... - Alissa 17:23:15 1/3/2002
to CCJ...I think - graeme 15:18:40 1/3/2002
Cornish symbols - Clive Stevens 12:20:49 1/3/2002
RE:The Long Lost MyST Returns.... - MystikManifesto 02:05:15 1/3/2002
Mark Foster, is web designer, and a host.....He is wonderful ...link inside - Michelle Rossfeld 01:51:24 1/3/2002
The Long Lost MyST Returns.... - MyST 23:42:35 1/2/2002
SOMEWBODY HAS STOLEN DESIGNS AGAIN!!! - Erfan 22:01:53 1/2/2002
Book Preview! - Nick 21:38:01 1/2/2002
Poetry Links for Nick - txilar 20:39:08 1/2/2002
Unstrainable henna? - Zimra 19:07:12 1/2/2002
old paste but good color! - Alissa 18:29:35 1/2/2002
I'm steamed! Or should I be? - Lauren 16:19:53 1/2/2002
happy new year - mark 16:10:37 1/2/2002
who's ordered from Navneet before? - Willowhawk 14:02:05 1/2/2002
Henna & Threading - Jen 08:36:13 1/2/2002
happy new year! - jolynn 04:41:12 1/2/2002
All the best - Joe B 21:19:43 1/1/2002
Happy New Year ! ! ! - Kree @ Gilded Lilies 20:48:44 1/1/2002