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New Skin - Melissa 02:40:50 4/4/2002
- Re: New Skin - Catherine Cartwight Jones 03:02:42 4/4/2002
All the people who were at Sirius NYC please read! - Lauren 02:30:45 4/4/2002
Kenzi, please email me! - Lauren 00:16:09 4/4/2002
I NEED TO KNOW WHERE? - KELLEE 23:49:03 4/3/2002
hennaed hair is soooooooo good - sam 20:57:30 4/3/2002
Egyptian Horizon Hyrogliphic - Timo 20:16:09 4/3/2002
Nestle Quick and Henna - Shymaa 20:03:01 4/3/2002
just tried Song of India brand...anyone else? - Willowhawk 17:23:42 4/3/2002
mixing henna - cathy bailey 15:01:10 4/3/2002
fairy tattoo - pamela 04:01:27 4/3/2002
I'm back...with pics... - Anne Beltestad 03:48:08 4/3/2002
Nice pic - Vanessa 03:13:13 4/3/2002
Other purveyors of Jamilla et al...... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:58:11 4/3/2002
looking for a good site to buy my henna stuff - rhiannon 23:24:54 4/2/2002
Really bizarre thought involving henna on back hair - Lauren 21:23:07 4/2/2002
- ROFL - Shymaa 01:33:14 4/4/2002
Ozz 2003 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:41:44 4/2/2002
Sirius SW info? - Lauren 14:14:25 4/2/2002
To Maureen and Mark - Jeremy Rowntree - Site Owner 08:42:55 4/2/2002
to bri and RaCh - jolynn 07:24:32 4/2/2002
I'm a convert! - DigitalDurga 04:32:41 4/2/2002
Midwest henna conference - Amy:-) 00:53:13 4/2/2002
Have I found the elusive "henna pen"? - Lauren 00:44:16 4/2/2002
Too thin or too thick - samantha 19:14:05 4/1/2002
Henna Dollies - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:06:05 4/1/2002
Nickname in hyrogliphics - Paul 15:40:18 4/1/2002
how to draw circles?? - Nutty Natx 11:17:07 4/1/2002
So were there any henna developments/discoveries/miracles at sirius this time?? n/t - Matt 07:27:15 4/1/2002
Jeremy and who ever else is interested in copies of the tape of the sirius conference - Heahter @amberlotus henna 04:45:24 4/1/2002
Happy Easter Everyone! - Natalie 19:05:17 3/31/2002
A basket of Easter PaD'oeuFs from the Reverend Bunny - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:11:23 3/31/2002
everything and any thing, i have been missing out - Amy:-) 00:09:18 3/31/2002
Another big thing I learned at Sirius - Lauren 18:02:38 3/30/2002
to my henna sista's Lisa and Constance (Henna testing) - Heather @ Amber Lotus 17:46:11 3/30/2002
More travel steamer stuff - Dawn R 14:16:38 3/30/2002
My Sirius Report- may be long! - Nick 13:16:13 3/30/2002
Anne Beltestad, please email me - Lauren 13:09:01 3/30/2002
My New Business and Website! Please Visit - Natalie 03:30:45 3/30/2002
I think I made a mistake - Muse Dolci 00:11:32 3/30/2002
chinese alphabet - Gillian 00:00:42 3/30/2002
To Erfan - Kree @ Gilded Lilies 22:50:21 3/29/2002
Looking for basic Henna designs - Michelle 21:42:40 3/29/2002
Isrealli designs for henna - hannah 18:42:13 3/29/2002
Strange henna aftereffects - Lauren 18:41:05 3/29/2002
Anybody who drew on me at Sirius has a job offer here! - Lauren 18:35:20 3/29/2002
I need Something "Forever!" - me 18:22:48 3/29/2002
Henna on dark hair... possible? - Maeve 17:47:15 3/29/2002
NYC Sirius Part one(very LONG post!) - lezard 17:20:20 3/29/2002
To Kree Arvanitas - Spyros 16:45:59 3/29/2002
- To Spyro - Kree @ Gilded Lilies 20:06:32 3/29/2002
A question for Catherine - Heather / Amber Lotus Henna 16:11:44 3/29/2002
Updates on the PPD Black henna and hair dye Medical Journal papers - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:04:42 3/29/2002
catherine please read - Erfan 07:51:07 3/29/2002
make-up history - Danijela 05:29:17 3/29/2002
Honey?? - MELISSA EARWOOD 05:00:07 3/29/2002
Greek Symbols - allison 04:49:18 3/29/2002
Sirius NYC...what about different tools and application tecniques - Maureen 00:19:27 3/29/2002
seeking Forum artist in/around San Diego - Lauren 22:52:02 3/28/2002
- Natasha - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:16:07 3/28/2002
I need a map of acient egypt - Aysha-Rae Bozarth 17:02:08 3/28/2002
Henna in Greece... - Skaravaios 16:57:49 3/28/2002
Deep Thought on healing, protein deficiency and dessication in connection with henna - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:37:50 3/28/2002
Sirius nyc 2002 - heather cherry 05:40:42 3/28/2002
Steamer? - Pauli 04:21:30 3/28/2002
Some Sirius Comments - Kree / Gilded Lilies 02:13:19 3/28/2002
Question about ........... - Muse Dolci 23:06:41 3/27/2002
Kenzi...the last design after 72 hours! - Noli 19:19:50 3/27/2002
Another nice one! - Noli 19:14:32 3/27/2002
Guildford area - Artist required. - mark foster 19:06:52 3/27/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - georgio 17:15:11 3/27/2002
Getting Dark Stains - Angel-2 14:53:57 3/27/2002
A Sirius question. - Dawn 11:57:46 3/27/2002
NYC Sirius Henna Conference piccys - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:31:21 3/27/2002
please help -japanese symbol for laughter? - lucy 01:38:28 3/27/2002
Tiffany please contact me (Sorry everyone else) - Dawn R 23:33:33 3/26/2002
Question about New Skin - Heather 19:46:02 3/26/2002
sanskrit - damon 19:02:29 3/26/2002
Zilo's Lotus Tour - Matthew Maida / Jen Vasquez at ZIlo Networks 18:50:59 3/26/2002
My mistake - Joe B 18:46:02 3/26/2002
how to make nail polish? How to purchase ingredients off the net? - Ashyia Paul 17:47:18 3/26/2002
~*~fairy tatoo~*~ - ~*<3*RaCh*<3*~ 15:23:13 3/26/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - paul phillimore 11:05:59 3/26/2002
I need a favor from someone who has a henna plant.... - Shel 04:23:23 3/26/2002
starting out? - NaTx 02:11:50 3/26/2002
Bloody Lumps - samantha 18:00:53 3/25/2002
Body Jewellery - Claire-Louise 16:40:14 3/25/2002
Premilinary Sirius report (a bit long) - Lauren 15:07:47 3/25/2002
maouri tattoos - mick 17:04:06 3/24/2002
Mark Foster re: My website - Maureen 16:45:55 3/24/2002
re. the pregnant workings - Graeme 13:12:15 3/24/2002
mehendi artist - usha lunkar 08:09:52 3/24/2002
Is there a way to sift henna w/o all the dust <cough cough> - Shymaa 04:17:41 3/24/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Jemel 04:59:52 3/23/2002
blade tattoo - adrian 02:58:34 3/23/2002
The pic is here have a look!!!(thanx!!!) - Charlotte Stubbs 17:38:57 3/22/2002
henna in morroco - DigitalDurga 06:43:17 3/22/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - kathy garcia 01:56:17 3/22/2002
Jewel....... there's this white stuff happening here.......(and we thought it was SPRING!) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:14:38 3/21/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Kays 17:11:09 3/21/2002
Listing of Medical and Scientific Published Papers on the Health Risks of PPD - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:54:18 3/21/2002
Novice questions - MuseDolci 09:36:10 3/21/2002
Fresh henna powder! - Jewel 03:47:34 3/21/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - Shawn 21:46:00 3/20/2002
Re: FDA - Ronald Wells 20:14:25 3/20/2002
Thanx every1!!! (have a look!) - Charlotte Stubbs 17:41:44 3/20/2002
confusing thing about PPD and about Indigo..... - Erfan 13:55:04 3/20/2002
Gray hair - Danchi 11:55:06 3/20/2002
Hennaria - Pauli 07:10:35 3/20/2002
- Re: Hennaria - Catherine Cartwright Jones 11:14:05 3/20/2002
Stress: a henna killer - Catherine Cartwright Jones 06:42:46 3/20/2002
how to work with Kimia...... - Erfan 00:53:38 3/20/2002
Jamila vs. Jamila - Erfan 00:39:46 3/20/2002
PPD info - Ronald I. Wells 00:37:21 3/20/2002
to Kree,Lezard.---CCj - Erfan 00:25:16 3/20/2002
PPD info - Ronald I. Wells 23:42:50 3/19/2002
Keeping paste viable - samantha 20:01:34 3/19/2002
Lezard, did you find a flight to NYC? - Lauren 18:15:57 3/19/2002
Nice Patterns - Dawn R 14:17:39 3/19/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - Tracie Carritte 11:28:53 3/19/2002
Henna sifter? - Pauli 03:47:26 3/19/2002
preggers henna!! - Darla so Dreadly 02:58:29 3/19/2002
Great deal on Castle Art Henna - Dawn R 02:37:22 3/19/2002
Pastry Tip Info / Sirius - Kree 22:14:34 3/18/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Adam Farris 21:31:56 3/18/2002
Semi permanent Tattoo???? Help - Marcus 19:53:00 3/18/2002
Lauren.... Do you have Cardamom? - Denise 18:19:11 3/18/2002
- Yep! - Lauren 19:39:15 3/18/2002
- Thanks! - Denise 02:51:39 3/19/2002
The Mystical Marriage of the Carrot Bag and the Disposible Mechanical Pencil - Cahterine Cartwright Jones 16:01:01 3/18/2002
Black Henna for facial hair - Jeff 01:24:12 3/18/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - jonny pop 01:12:10 3/18/2002
Jeremy...where do I.... - Kristen 20:24:45 3/17/2002
Henna on stripped hair - Maureen 04:00:42 3/17/2002
symbol for courage - Stephanie 00:22:28 3/17/2002
Mark Foster/JMR Hosting - Maureen 23:26:28 3/16/2002
applicator bottle-cones - Beth M. 20:40:43 3/16/2002
where can i buy? - Linnea 20:07:16 3/16/2002
I swear I think I'd recognize some people's hands and feet without henna on them - Dawn R 14:21:54 3/16/2002
Advice, anyone? - BimboGeri 14:13:07 3/16/2002
Question about home-made stencils - Darco Chaumont 00:15:53 3/16/2002
Indian Women's Body Adornment - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:26:54 3/15/2002
Sanfaz henna- whoooo fumey! - Nick 21:39:43 3/15/2002
could u make me a desing.......please - Sara 19:32:02 3/15/2002
Insurance Companies in the UK - please help??? - Archie Archer 09:31:43 3/15/2002
Too many EO's, Help Plz - Lisa K 02:08:41 3/15/2002
Om Mani Padme Hum - Jewel Of the Louts design reqd - Fee 01:21:11 3/15/2002
Pregnant belly patterns - Deborah 00:27:54 3/15/2002
question about sugar in my henna - Beth M. 23:12:42 3/14/2002
PLSSS ANS THIS ASAP.... - ziya 23:00:17 3/14/2002
RE: need help removing henna - Katrina 20:12:01 3/14/2002
fairy tattoo - bri 19:26:13 3/14/2002
I REALLY NEED HELP!!1 - Simon 16:11:49 3/14/2002
(chinese alphabet) - Viv 07:13:43 3/14/2002
arabian henna - Matt 04:34:32 3/14/2002
False advertising? - Khoa 04:16:54 3/14/2002
cocoa - Kim 03:15:37 3/14/2002
- Re: cocoa - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:23:49 3/14/2002
questions - John 01:43:08 3/14/2002
- meadows - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:12:47 3/14/2002
Looking for Scientific Research re:testing henna or staining - Cietta Johnson, Mindful Mehndi 00:27:40 3/14/2002
forgot - Maria 22:40:13 3/13/2002
Sharkiyya...WOW/cones,sticks,etc - Maria 22:35:09 3/13/2002
Web Pages - Ms Michele 17:07:06 3/13/2002
Thanks! - Theadora 16:07:33 3/13/2002
Ebay program for copyright protection for Theadora (and others) - Lauren 15:29:20 3/13/2002
Help with carrot bags and stringy paste - Lauren 14:50:58 3/13/2002
thanks to Jewel, some pics - Anne Beltestad 13:43:49 3/13/2002
UPDATING NOW! - Noli 10:17:33 3/13/2002
'Colored' henna forum here/link - Kristen 02:15:44 3/13/2002
- look for - Kristen 02:18:14 3/13/2002
patterns - Tiffany 01:51:32 3/13/2002
- Re: patterns - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:15:54 3/13/2002
Kimia henna - samantha 22:00:22 3/12/2002
henna powder advice - Beth M. 20:58:31 3/12/2002
Gosh! You'd think they'd learn... - Nick 20:27:36 3/12/2002
Gratitude - lezard 18:07:57 3/12/2002
Henna Journal issue 2: Contributions - Alex 17:27:28 3/12/2002
Henna on velvet? - Denise 14:06:08 3/12/2002
Is there something major happening in New York around Sirius ... - lezard 01:20:29 3/12/2002
Henna types - Monica 00:56:38 3/12/2002
EO's testing - Eskimo 00:50:35 3/12/2002
BLACK HENNA -You all shot yourself in the foot! - Paul 23:10:02 3/11/2002
Great Pictures - ~Shelly~ 20:32:15 3/11/2002
allergic reactions :( - Aidan 20:14:57 3/11/2002
Monsoon Wedding - just saw it - jessica 19:25:42 3/11/2002
I need info on egyption alphabet and something that explains it - nikki 18:36:36 3/11/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - sophea seng 18:06:27 3/11/2002
Sleeping at Sirius NYC - Lauren 15:35:45 3/11/2002
Hand lines versus henna - Lauren 13:50:33 3/11/2002
Darla's Fruit - Lauren 13:46:20 3/11/2002
Learn Henna(Mehendi) design and Bridal Henna Package. - ahmed 09:20:35 3/11/2002
Half-life of paste - Andrea 04:39:30 3/11/2002
exposed to air - Monica 01:23:02 3/11/2002
something about this page just bugs me - Darla so Dreadly 15:13:37 3/10/2002
henna to light - tiffany 09:09:30 3/10/2002
help daniel! - Tiffany 00:27:14 3/10/2002
cones - Kaleena 19:22:40 3/9/2002
Glittering Sparkling Stuff - Dawn R 12:11:42 3/9/2002
A circumcision ceremony ... - Jewel 04:12:32 3/9/2002
Mustard Oil??? - Fubar the Adequate 03:26:48 3/9/2002
Fresh and/or dried leaves - Lauren 02:05:06 3/9/2002
Letting it sit - Monica 00:41:55 3/9/2002
Henna at a Concert - Eskimomo 00:37:10 3/9/2002
A must read post for Theodora - Renee 00:31:15 3/9/2002
safe black henna?? - zoe 21:45:45 3/8/2002
Success! (and proper credit) - Maria 20:21:10 3/8/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Stella Dias 18:46:14 3/8/2002
Marquesas Islands design! - Noli 18:14:35 3/8/2002
Henna on hair and in old age - Lauren 15:31:25 3/8/2002
Here you go! - Noli 14:29:05 3/8/2002
Questions before my big day - samantha 13:49:56 3/8/2002
Can Henna be removed quickly - MuseDolci 08:20:06 3/8/2002
PRICES??? - Tammy 06:09:01 3/8/2002
psychics n henna - Tiffany 05:01:21 3/8/2002
Kaleidescope Patterns.... - Lori 04:44:13 3/8/2002
Arlington Texas henna artists? - Theadora 02:33:21 3/8/2002
designs - Tiffany 00:53:46 3/8/2002
Henna video showing results of non 'terped' henna/basic recipe. - Kristen 23:18:22 3/7/2002
Festivals/ Faires (a bit of venting) - Lauren 21:08:31 3/7/2002
Messy but worth it (I think) - BimboGeri 19:02:49 3/7/2002
IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!! to ccj - Erfan 16:32:27 3/7/2002
rethinking Spellstone - Lauren 14:38:27 3/7/2002
totoos - Katie Henderson 14:01:32 3/7/2002
Great book link - Tammy 12:50:54 3/7/2002
Fruity Florida Offerings! - Darla so Dreadly 11:54:08 3/7/2002
Maria's Messy Mehndi Misadventures - Maria 06:47:43 3/7/2002
Metal tip bottles - Tiffany 06:26:19 3/7/2002
application tools - Sharon 06:17:48 3/7/2002
drawing in brown pen FIRST then henna - Tammy 04:43:32 3/7/2002
Rupal's art on handbags are back again (with proper credit) - Dawn R 23:53:05 3/6/2002
Terpinol - Maia 21:31:16 3/6/2002
- Re: Terpinol - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:13:29 3/6/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Tyrone 21:17:11 3/6/2002
Nick, I just looked at your design pages. - Lauren 20:46:49 3/6/2002
buying henna powder - Tiffany 20:13:35 3/6/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - Sarah Bakewell 15:57:04 3/6/2002
HELP! Henna mix giving mixed reactions - MuseDolci 09:52:20 3/6/2002
Update on Jinxed - Lezard 05:54:16 3/6/2002
research - jassmen 01:56:29 3/6/2002
- Re: research - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:35:33 3/6/2002
tax forms, Sirius mixes - Maria 01:35:50 3/6/2002
Sirius NYC Coming Soon...Payment of Fees are Sirius Due! - Kenzi 00:24:48 3/6/2002
- Please! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:07:15 3/6/2002
Hey Nick, free graphics software - Natasha Papousek 17:51:23 3/5/2002
Jinxed? - Lezard 15:43:41 3/5/2002
Pricing, kitting, the marketing of Indo-Chic and the politics of authenticity - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:46:39 3/5/2002
Here goes with the new oils - Lauren 22:38:10 3/4/2002
Henna Starter Kits - Rheana 22:35:22 3/4/2002
REALLY interesting henna pics! - Nick 22:17:57 3/4/2002
"Wanna freak out? Click here" (in the words of Kree) - Nick 21:28:10 3/4/2002
Powder Colors - Lauren 18:52:49 3/4/2002
UK world mehndi record holder - samantha 12:55:22 3/4/2002
Henna is too thick - MuseDolci 09:08:55 3/4/2002
Pregnant Bellies - Lisa O. 04:34:40 3/4/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - mark 03:26:45 3/4/2002
Henna on Clay - Edan 01:46:36 3/4/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Tiffany 00:47:57 3/4/2002
question for Kenzi - Beth M. 00:26:09 3/4/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - olivia 21:11:49 3/3/2002
Monsoon wedding and henna - Kenzi 18:47:44 3/3/2002
Avigal Henna-Where can I find it in the Chicago area - Arrowbabe 17:31:05 3/3/2002
Cajeput vs Tea Tree? - Natalie 17:08:33 3/3/2002
stain aftercare ?'s - Larissa 16:01:23 3/3/2002
Price Perceptions - Lauren 15:10:30 3/3/2002
To all Sirius NY-"members" - Erfan 13:06:07 3/3/2002
Sirius NYC - MuseDolci 12:02:07 3/3/2002
Many Thanks - MuseDolci 11:52:19 3/3/2002
Sunday Morning Padoofs ( for consumption between the Sunday Funnies and the coffee) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:15:21 3/3/2002
amounts - samantha 11:31:19 3/2/2002
Henna and men - MuseDolci 09:01:50 3/2/2002
Thickening the paste - Matt 05:05:55 3/2/2002
CCJ....help please?!? - Justine Willowhawk 20:20:57 3/1/2002
Stores selling Bigen and other similar products - Lauren 19:57:46 3/1/2002
Sirius NYC- who's bringing stuff to sell? - Lauren 19:20:48 3/1/2002
American Indian Designs/Symbols-Please read - Dara 18:38:24 3/1/2002
To CCJ - Monica 18:27:17 3/1/2002
Anne's work - Jewel 18:23:35 3/1/2002
Stain trouble - Deborah 15:04:42 3/1/2002
OH were oh were can I purchase EOs - MuseDolci 10:16:40 3/1/2002
to join ur team - maherashah 08:49:10 3/1/2002
A little baby hennaboy - markfoster@henna-boy.co.uk 07:05:59 3/1/2002
Finally moved! - Rupal 03:11:04 3/1/2002