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Symbols & Characters
Given the increase in reports of allergic reactions to
so-called black henna, do please check the PPD
Warnings page before trying this stuff. Or just steer well clear. |
Please look
here before posting a request for the symbol for something in Chinese,
Japanese, Egyptian Heiroglyphics, etc |
This forum is devoted to natural henna. If you're more
interested in the coloured varieties (black, purple, etc) please
go here
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Message ] [ FAQ

Anybody remember that energy vampire thread from way back? - Alissa 04:14:17 9/1/2002
different brands/different color of stain? - Karin 03:08:29 9/1/2002
Seriuos Henna Confrence info - Lelia 02:56:29 9/1/2002
Kimia from Maureen @ EverydayMehndi - maxx 00:45:35 9/1/2002
Improving the smell of henna paste.......... - Jamie 00:12:36 9/1/2002
"F--K" HENNA TATTOOS - David 21:42:35 8/31/2002
Henna in Belgium - Steven 21:04:45 8/31/2002
henna on eyes? - Karin 20:53:54 8/31/2002
First time henna pic and question....... - Jamie 20:42:27 8/31/2002
Local tv station just ran a negative segment on henna.. what next? - Alissa 17:49:29 8/31/2002
Ft.Lauderdale/South Beach - Tara 15:56:38 8/31/2002
Looking for phoenix - Calvin 14:35:51 8/31/2002
Not so great first time results - Nadia 13:31:10 8/31/2002
could u make me a desing.......please - sultan 03:49:00 8/31/2002
Help!! Cone making question - Nadia 00:01:44 8/31/2002
bad henna do good! - Angie 17:25:30 8/30/2002
interesting link - samantha 15:36:57 8/30/2002
Lawsonia inermis - Maya 15:08:22 8/30/2002
Getting different shades naturally - Maya 14:58:06 8/30/2002
How do you guys keep from getting neck cramps? - Nadia 14:34:54 8/30/2002
A solution to comparing colors - Lauren 14:19:37 8/30/2002
Cincinnati over Labor Day Weekend ? - Nancy 11:27:24 8/30/2002
FINALLY - samantha 10:29:17 8/30/2002
Japanese or Chinese lettering - Melinda 09:13:45 8/30/2002
Okay, CCJ, that's about enough! - Lauren 03:19:30 8/30/2002
symbols of love and friendship - Janaya Cleaver 01:49:47 8/30/2002
Comparision chart that may be useful with essential oils - Maureen 23:35:57 8/29/2002
Questions...I'm mixing paste today for the first time!! - Nadia 20:24:35 8/29/2002
Help Please - Looking for a Henna/Mehndi supplier in Toronto, Canada - Lesley 19:50:30 8/29/2002
Japanese or Chinese lettering - niki 16:15:40 8/29/2002
black henna report on TV - shaon 16:10:00 8/29/2002
Fred makes friends with Mr. Chunky - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:19:35 8/29/2002
Novice - needs transfer info - Lesley 14:12:59 8/29/2002
mari_mari_mac@hotmail.com - Being Pampered 13:27:46 8/29/2002
names in chinese symbols - Bas schutten 11:42:11 8/29/2002
Henna plant yield - jade 07:44:56 8/29/2002
Are there a huge number of henna plantations out there? - Khoa 06:16:32 8/29/2002
Pregnancy henna - Kelly M. 03:00:50 8/29/2002
Henna conference in SoCA? - maxx 02:34:13 8/29/2002
eyebrow threading - Raquel 01:30:16 8/29/2002
need info - Albert Demers 21:24:22 8/28/2002
terp question - Nadia 20:54:34 8/28/2002
Was henna used in Ancient Egypt? - Erika 19:36:47 8/28/2002
Digging in a barrel of Cholis - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:11:53 8/28/2002
Questions about henna and grey hair. - Chris Fisher 18:52:13 8/28/2002
As a consumer... - Natasha Papousek 18:20:43 8/28/2002
henna allergy - lezard 18:15:46 8/28/2002
need to buy henna by the KG - jazibe 15:00:14 8/28/2002
Japanese letters for tattos - JJ Costlow 14:53:21 8/28/2002
Temptu - Sharon 10:46:14 8/28/2002
- Re: Temptu - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:12:16 8/28/2002
`bong sung a' plant - Andy Brown 05:20:27 8/28/2002
Sarah's first attempt at left-handed henna. - The Henna Works 04:39:20 8/28/2002
Nobody likes a pop quiz - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:36:53 8/28/2002
WHY? - Noli 02:51:35 8/28/2002
- Re: WHY? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:13:46 8/28/2002
- Re: WHY? - Noli 04:13:47 8/28/2002
- Re: WHY? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 04:45:30 8/28/2002
making reusable stencils - Todd 02:35:40 8/28/2002
The Pennsic Wars, 1 - 5 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:20:54 8/28/2002
Going Pro - Nancy 23:20:12 8/27/2002
the green coloured dye in henna powder,they call it "polish" here - rizwan ahmad 19:50:33 8/27/2002
A Newbie Shares First Work - Casey 19:11:07 8/27/2002
Open call for samples - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:49:35 8/27/2002
Thanks for the advice - Sta abes hips 16:24:31 8/27/2002
symbols of love and friendship - tiffany mccollum 15:24:28 8/27/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - jessie 14:44:00 8/27/2002
free henna patterns - jensy 11:42:43 8/27/2002
email - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:42:02 8/27/2002
frankincense - Lauren 03:16:05 8/27/2002
A moment of terror followed by a ray of sunshine - Lauren 02:42:16 8/27/2002
Essential Oils at EveryDay Mehndi!!! - Maureen 02:39:17 8/27/2002
Where can I buy Jaq bottles??? - Nadia 00:45:03 8/27/2002
Chuna? for those who know - Nick 23:31:45 8/26/2002
Caffenated Skin Lotion? - Littlefox 23:28:31 8/26/2002
Dye release times on various brands of henna - Lauren 22:16:03 8/26/2002
chinese symbols - Ralph 22:10:02 8/26/2002
henna for the men in my life - St Abes Hips 22:05:15 8/26/2002
Ok, who can sell me cheap Jamila? - Anne Beltestad 20:17:15 8/26/2002
Sketching design on your skin before applying henna..... - Jamie 17:37:03 8/26/2002
Jamila day ..lol - Denise 13:24:22 8/26/2002
Thanks Lauren your awesome :) - heather 13:23:47 8/26/2002
Bridal hands - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:58:31 8/26/2002
Henna in Sweden - Tor Skude 09:01:50 8/26/2002
Trading Standards (brighton & hove) Stance on Black Henna - A legal cosmetic. - mark foster 07:33:25 8/26/2002
The further evolution of black henna (i guess they're just cutting corners now) - Khoa 04:23:49 8/26/2002
Greetings - Wulf 03:24:56 8/26/2002
first time henna user - K 00:30:40 8/26/2002
People who want to tell me "how" - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:29:52 8/25/2002
More info on Pebeo tips? - Jenica 22:58:11 8/25/2002
Question about bindi designs.... - Erika 19:50:49 8/25/2002
Henna, PPD "black henna" and indigo "black henna" - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:39:16 8/25/2002
additional mixing questions for Catherine - Nadia 12:25:54 8/25/2002
chinese symbols - Jessica Hambly 02:27:22 8/25/2002
chinese symbols - Jessica Hambly 02:26:56 8/25/2002
I'm a neophyte henna artist looking for advice...please! - Nadia 01:17:42 8/25/2002
Henna on People of *very dark* Color - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:57:46 8/25/2002
Sugar In Henna Paste- When and How Much? - Jamie 21:32:08 8/24/2002
Comparison of Jamila, Mr. Chunky and Mr. Green - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:54:29 8/24/2002
What's Henna 60x look like? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:42:10 8/24/2002
watercolor pencils - Angie 12:12:20 8/24/2002
timing etc. - Angie 11:51:48 8/24/2002
chinese letters - allison 03:39:25 8/24/2002
Txilar, please email me! - Anne Beltestad 01:13:57 8/24/2002
Drums Around the World - Lauren 00:25:28 8/24/2002
chinese symbols - star 23:02:41 8/23/2002
A Henna Party........ - Jamie 21:46:08 8/23/2002
lemon sugar spray? - lelia 20:44:05 8/23/2002
Snappy comebacks to clients who want to teach you henna - Kenzi 15:24:57 8/23/2002
timing - Angie 13:36:35 8/23/2002
TERPS - Hansa Mehta 07:47:37 8/23/2002
- TERPS - Maureen 14:00:33 8/23/2002
- Re: TERPS - Lauren 12:23:17 8/23/2002
Hard to moisten henna powder? - Lauren 02:16:28 8/23/2002
Preserving Reds and other wedding advice needed - Lauren 01:15:47 8/23/2002
Color/oil - Scooter 00:23:21 8/23/2002
What's in it? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:04:48 8/23/2002
Just curious... what happens if you add Folger's Crystals to the paste? - Jenna 21:26:27 8/22/2002
Henna artist insult of the day... - Alissa 20:26:08 8/22/2002
Any websites I can post my pictures & info? - Michele (MH) 18:03:20 8/22/2002
Practice practice - Kelly M. 17:25:56 8/22/2002
deep heat - Graeme 15:34:08 8/22/2002
Thanks Tlixar! and where I've been... - Anne Beltestad 14:19:37 8/22/2002
Pictures from Morocco - Heather from Moroccan Treasures 12:11:24 8/22/2002
I'd love a sample if I may... just let me know what info you need (n/t) - Marilyn Loveless 11:42:30 8/22/2002
transgender people in Iran - post from erfan(astrid) 00:12:07 8/22/2002
New Pattern1 - Vines - Lauren 00:10:36 8/22/2002
Graeme...I give up... - BBaas 22:54:35 8/21/2002
A question about making your own patterns........ - Jamie 22:23:51 8/21/2002
Mudd - Jeno 21:15:45 8/21/2002
- Re: Mudd - Lauren 23:11:04 8/21/2002
- Re: Mudd - Saw your site 05:46:05 8/22/2002
Moving the transgender discussion upward: - Nick 17:31:21 8/21/2002
E-book ordering question... for Catherine - Jeanie 17:09:57 8/21/2002
more wonderful people! - graeme 16:43:48 8/21/2002
Transgender and henna, the short answer - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:59:33 8/21/2002
I'll henna you, if you henna me! - Michele Hill 15:42:39 8/21/2002
Tamarind Paste...Worth it? Please share experience! - Michele Hill 05:25:48 8/21/2002
Shyster Alert (Rant Warning) - Littlefox 03:41:35 8/21/2002
I need Help... - Angelina Jayne 03:32:51 8/21/2002
Third Sex - Monica Tittle 02:07:31 8/21/2002
- Re: Third Sex - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:13:29 8/21/2002
chinese symbols - Jenna McCarty 23:37:42 8/20/2002
well,some piccies - Astrid(a.ka erfan´s best friend) 22:37:31 8/20/2002
Interesting link to Sudanese artist in modern Cairo - Lauren 20:13:32 8/20/2002
fairy tattoo - Emily 19:39:04 8/20/2002
I love that song! - Vikas 17:17:18 8/20/2002
Tapdancing Lizard, what's up your sleeve? - Lauren 13:24:34 8/20/2002
Arabic,Indian and Sudanese traditional, cultural HELP - Zeenat Bandali 10:51:44 8/20/2002
chinese symbols - shane 10:19:26 8/20/2002
recipe of Henna paste - Letizia 07:50:51 8/20/2002
Sophie's Secret Blend - Brandie 06:39:02 8/20/2002
Afghani boy with henna - Kenzi 02:15:55 8/20/2002
chinese letters - laura 23:03:55 8/19/2002
Rash after removing Henna Tatto - Help! - Michael Ross 20:56:55 8/19/2002
Pennsic Air - Mika the Canadian 16:03:11 8/19/2002
Snow White hennaes Grumpy, Doc, Sneezy, Dopey .... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:00:29 8/19/2002
I Survived the Art Fair - Long - Ms Michele 14:42:25 8/19/2002
simple recipes/vs. complicated - Karin 00:04:39 8/19/2002
Two MORE questions........ - Jamie 22:48:45 8/18/2002
A few more questions from a newbie........ - Jamie (miss taken77) 19:47:45 8/18/2002
MIDWEST HENNA CONFERENCE - Amy :-) 17:11:51 8/18/2002
chinese symbols - erin 03:55:00 8/18/2002
straining dilemma - Allison 20:31:09 8/17/2002
Hey there. I'm new and I have a question....... - miss taken77 19:40:25 8/17/2002
I'll try it - Angie 12:06:16 8/17/2002
WOW! - Angie 23:27:04 8/16/2002
First Art Fair - Saturday! - Ms Michele 16:16:47 8/16/2002
Mixed bag for henna class at library- advice please? - Lauren 13:35:22 8/16/2002
Runny henna? - Angie 11:24:14 8/16/2002
Sarah's finally posting her henna creations! - The Henna Works 03:30:02 8/16/2002
8th Birthday Party designs - Rae 02:33:47 8/16/2002
Can we find out where the Japanese/Chinese requests are coming from? - Erika 12:55:36 8/15/2002
removal of henna tatoo - Lyn 02:32:01 8/15/2002
freeze...thaw...freeze...thaw..oh my - Beth Mieure 02:15:51 8/15/2002
Bad henna /good henna - Theadora 22:40:41 8/14/2002
HELP......on script - archie 20:00:21 8/14/2002
Completely off topic on Tarot - Alissa 15:15:24 8/14/2002
what powder - Karin 12:16:56 8/14/2002
PEBEO TIPS - Hansa Mehta 10:05:34 8/13/2002
Link - M A 02:26:43 8/13/2002
More work with pebeo - Nick 14:47:30 8/12/2002
It's me and my new page! - Ms Michele 13:45:59 8/12/2002
Fading stain - Kelly M. 13:10:21 8/12/2002
call me crazy, in Morocco with a ziplock bag! - Heather 12:19:25 8/12/2002
Public thanks to brilliant lady. - Graeme 10:16:49 8/12/2002
Dark - Sugar 08:27:08 8/12/2002
Skin scribe pens now in....... - The Henna Works 03:37:13 8/12/2002
Sharing again! - Noli 03:09:50 8/12/2002
dragon tattoos - justin 20:22:39 8/11/2002
The Negative Effect - samantha 19:20:07 8/11/2002
Help...Henna Is Not Flowing Through The Tip...!!??? - Angel 15:49:59 8/11/2002
Incubus Dude's tattoo - ronald stam 15:13:38 8/11/2002
henna in cold temperatures - Natx 14:40:42 8/11/2002
Back to a frequent confrontation: Mine's Real - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:24:09 8/10/2002
Japanese letters for my tattoo - silvano negri 17:54:02 8/10/2002
Back to the magazines we all pored over.... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:51:47 8/10/2002
Inspired by....Bacardi and coke! - Graeme 16:18:54 8/10/2002
back to the ritual (and some rambling) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:59:09 8/10/2002
No more aching hands... - Graeme 15:20:26 8/10/2002
Back to first grade - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:45:40 8/10/2002
Back to the 13th c - Catherine Cartwright Jone 14:25:42 8/10/2002
Back to the home - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:09:55 8/10/2002
New "Friends of the Henna Page" offer - Jeremy 11:01:15 8/10/2002
Back to the third gender - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:37:21 8/10/2002
Back to the Blues - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:28:04 8/10/2002
henna supplies to canada? - Joyce 23:37:05 8/9/2002
buying henna - rikee 19:35:40 8/9/2002
Prices at Renaissance Faires - Lauren 19:18:44 8/9/2002
homemade henna???? - M, 18:41:17 8/9/2002
looking - Jori 15:37:30 8/9/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - NAN 13:48:49 8/9/2002
Mystic Arts Fest. in CT - Anne in CT 12:28:04 8/9/2002
Catherine, usually how thick of a line does your aqua. pencil make? - khoa 05:56:41 8/9/2002
cherokee national holiday - jesse jones 05:43:46 8/9/2002
New way to fill j-bottles! - Khoa 05:28:22 8/9/2002
new henna books - hasna 03:14:47 8/9/2002
Tangoli: the dance of death: order resolves to chaos resolves to order resolves to chaos - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:02:55 8/9/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - only the strong survive 21:43:38 8/8/2002
a question to the elders re paste re-app - maxxbobaxbananafana 21:43:17 8/8/2002
Penultimate Parges of Rangoli diaries - Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:36:23 8/8/2002
Acacia Catechu or gambir (Malay) - rajiev 18:35:34 8/8/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - Keeley Entwistle 17:49:04 8/8/2002
re Catherine - Graeme 16:44:05 8/8/2002
Learn Henna(Mehendi) design and Bridal Henna Package. - chetna patel 16:07:25 8/8/2002
What exactly are terps doing? - Nick 15:19:38 8/8/2002
Littlefox, Re: Indigo - Nick 15:17:51 8/8/2002
JAPANESE SYMBOLS FOR NAMES - Jared 12:54:43 8/8/2002
New forum available @ HennaMania! - Tor Skude 11:30:50 8/8/2002
henna, my hands,pics,12,&gratitude - maxx 07:05:31 8/8/2002
Much thankees - Kelly M. 22:39:30 8/7/2002
the END to your sign graphic WOES - Darla so Dreadly 19:26:59 8/7/2002
Fairly OT- Truth Hurts - Addictive Review - txilar 18:41:30 8/7/2002
Hey, who's responsible for the artist listings on this page? - Anne Beltestad 18:01:39 8/7/2002
Totally O/T...Where can I get a couscoussiere? - Erika 16:16:22 8/7/2002
small home appliance question - Kelly M. 15:10:25 8/7/2002
had a good workshop last night - Anne in CT 12:03:46 8/7/2002
Final Seal? - Mia 05:44:15 8/7/2002
Introduction - Kelly M. 02:55:25 8/7/2002
Trances, dances, and bees, Secret Summer 2002 diaries - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:58:35 8/7/2002
citronella....smells like it could affect henna stains.......? - maxx 22:38:03 8/6/2002
paste shape - samantha 15:58:51 8/6/2002
New website finally here (help please..?) - Bimbogeri 13:54:34 8/6/2002
Transferring computer printed design to skin info needed - Maureen 09:55:34 8/6/2002
Secret Summer Diaries 2002: Rangoli - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:14:03 8/6/2002
Just a little worried here - Sabriel 00:28:35 8/6/2002
Pebeo tips: MEGA wow!! - Nick 00:26:59 8/6/2002
Henna on My Mind - Marina Waltz 16:00:07 8/5/2002
re. Halawa - graeme 15:57:53 8/5/2002
need some sign help! ...please?? :) - Darla so Dreadly 01:09:26 8/5/2002
Check out my site - Tor Skude 23:33:25 8/4/2002
Re Direct Supplyer - Debbie Turner Country Cuts Salon 20:28:56 8/4/2002
Shake and Bake belly dancing convention - Alissa 15:52:32 8/4/2002
color curosity - rizwan 14:32:52 8/4/2002
Sneak attack of the henna fiends - Littlefox 03:10:44 8/4/2002
Henna Specialist - Cheechoos 20:12:38 8/3/2002
HENNA - R J INTERNATIONAL 07:05:57 8/3/2002
- Re: HENNA - R J INTERNATIONAL 07:06:51 8/3/2002
henna in georgia?? - Sonja Billingsley 19:05:56 8/2/2002
how to spell name in chinese - tara 17:39:55 8/2/2002
a little more of the Secret Summer 2002 Henna Diaries - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:40:34 8/2/2002
Dear Info Goddess.... - maxx 23:53:24 8/1/2002
Henna for hair - StainedGlassButterfly 20:36:57 8/1/2002
More Summer Scribblings - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:33:12 8/1/2002
Naive questions - Mika 19:21:03 8/1/2002
I need someone who sells henna in AZ - Chayla 18:05:40 8/1/2002
Temptu Confusion - Erika 15:13:39 8/1/2002
Temptu - the ins and outs needed - samantha 11:45:00 8/1/2002
Essential Oils - Kelly M. 05:19:02 8/1/2002
How many grams are in a (heaping) tablespoon? :-s - Jenna 02:10:44 8/1/2002
Eucalyptus oil question - Angi 23:19:43 7/31/2002
**ccj** THANKS!! :-) - Darla so Dreadly 21:29:43 7/31/2002
party - myra 19:54:25 7/31/2002
Various items of some, little or no interest!!! - Lynn 18:19:05 7/31/2002
Secret Summer 2002 Diaries - Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:38:12 7/31/2002
Back designs - Kelly M. 16:31:28 7/31/2002
Question and comment - Mika 14:09:00 7/31/2002
Essential Oils - Sharon 10:07:54 7/31/2002
Learn Henna(Mehendi) design and Bridal Henna Package. - Pushpa 09:32:15 7/31/2002
Insurance - Hansa Mehta 07:16:12 7/31/2002
Keeping the terped paste taste out of my foods - Lelia 00:49:48 7/31/2002
Scribblings - Catherine Cartwright Jones 22:59:57 7/30/2002
The Jamila story, continued - Anne Beltestad 22:03:24 7/30/2002
Tattoos - Rebecca Evans 21:43:36 7/30/2002
Henna in the Los Angeles area - CMB 20:02:00 7/30/2002
cone leakage - Kelly M. 19:03:48 7/30/2002
more of the Secret Summer Diaries, 2002 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:36:44 7/30/2002
Greetings & some questions... - Natx - The temporary lost one. But found again! 12:48:38 7/30/2002
on feet and hands and other parts - Karin 12:30:28 7/30/2002
Aum design - Minesh Parbhoo 07:29:33 7/30/2002
Aum design - Minesh Parbhoo 07:28:22 7/30/2002
No dye release - silvia 06:55:39 7/30/2002
question - jessica meckem 06:09:04 7/30/2002
Jacquard Bottles....$5 Coupon - Littlefox 02:35:19 7/30/2002
"what did you henna last summer?" essay - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:39:12 7/30/2002
Joy Abounding,My Henna Arrived! - BellaNoir 00:16:58 7/30/2002
new to trying henna - Karin 21:41:58 7/29/2002
Best Henna Weekend ever! (long) - Lauren 18:28:05 7/29/2002
Best Henna Weekend ever! (long) - Lauren 18:27:28 7/29/2002
Looking for basic Henna designs - farah 18:23:10 7/29/2002
Maureen & CCJ - Darla so Dreadly 18:18:41 7/29/2002
Henna application questions - Kelly M. 16:45:18 7/29/2002
The Spring Crop from Morocco is coming soon!! - Mourad Khalil 07:43:01 7/29/2002
Difference between store-bought Jamila and from a supplier? - Kenzi 03:10:10 7/29/2002
ozzfest henna in Indy? - jazibe 02:05:03 7/29/2002
THANX TO EVERYONE - I SURVIVIED!!!!!!!!! - Lelia 01:33:32 7/29/2002
chinese alphabet - M Chappell 20:35:13 7/28/2002
A question about full fingertips - I'm kerflummoxed - Jenna 18:52:58 7/28/2002
Henna in Hong Kong - Silvereye 09:21:57 7/28/2002
I found an Indian grocery store! - Dawn R 00:29:39 7/28/2002
For those of you who like Alissa's Glitter Goop - Jenna 20:08:46 7/27/2002
My henna was Complimented by an ethnic woman - Jenna 19:37:40 7/27/2002
Oh I am a BAAAD photographer....tips ?(please!) - maxx 17:56:46 7/27/2002
Henna in LA - HennaGirL 02:43:09 7/27/2002
Best book to read about Henna?? - Craig 02:36:22 7/27/2002