Welcome to the The Henna Page Forum Archives. For information about
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Asked Questions section

How come we're not getting arrested? - Lauren 22:46:41 9/30/2002
Delurking to find henna artist around Kent, WA - Joumana 21:59:39 9/30/2002
Frickin Venice Beach - MyST 17:39:09 9/30/2002
Learn Henna(Mehendi) design and Bridal Henna Package. - priya 17:32:42 9/30/2002
Citronella - Lauren 16:23:17 9/30/2002
tattoo - Earle Telesford 16:00:49 9/30/2002
Henna on nails? - Danielle 13:27:33 9/30/2002
No Stain - Sharon 13:23:43 9/30/2002
Question about Two Tone designs - Bella Noir 11:56:30 9/30/2002
Another PPD??, Need help/advice plz - Lisa K 00:37:47 9/30/2002
A little bit paranoid... - PikaPikaChick 17:30:50 9/29/2002
Henna lectures for 2003 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:23:43 9/29/2002
full body henna and spousal complications - Natasha Papousek 06:27:29 9/29/2002
Taking it off? (get your mind out of the gutter! :) - PikaPikaChick 04:51:21 9/29/2002
another thing henna stains - maxx 19:42:10 9/28/2002
Another heat source w/ winter around the corner...anyone ever try? - Lisa K 15:15:39 9/28/2002
stupid question? - Leila 08:18:46 9/28/2002
Thanks!! - Juliette 06:40:10 9/28/2002
carrot bags - Karin 22:36:24 9/27/2002
photo on darker skin - Willowhawk 17:19:00 9/27/2002
pure henna is good! - sacha 16:24:22 9/27/2002
Ignorance is NOT bliss - Rant!!! - Long - Ms Michele 15:19:49 9/27/2002
freebie rangoli - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:54:14 9/27/2002
Henna newbie! - Nichol 13:05:35 9/27/2002
the news - jolynn 00:59:00 9/27/2002
HI I'm a newbie! - Juliette 21:49:55 9/26/2002
Anyone in London need a spare set of hands? - Lauren 19:18:44 9/26/2002
Created a (Henna) Monster... :) - Liz 19:00:37 9/26/2002
A few pics from this years summer studio work - mark foster 17:47:32 9/26/2002
Mid-east art lesson plan - Angyl 17:33:19 9/26/2002
How Much Henna to Make or Buy? - Liz 13:59:38 9/26/2002
CAMPHOR OIL - Hansa Mehta 13:53:33 9/26/2002
WOW you gotta see this (do you have real player?) RANGOLI online video! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:12:53 9/26/2002
I'm back!!!!! I missed you guys! - HEATHER @ AMBER LOTUS HENNA 02:50:23 9/26/2002
Henna the Big Shoulders! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 02:43:51 9/26/2002
Indian henna nerves - Steph 22:40:44 9/25/2002
Rose Mary Oil - Heather (Moroccan Treasures) 21:02:02 9/25/2002
lawsonia henna is best in market - greta 18:47:26 9/25/2002
More on screens and filters - Lauren 18:46:57 9/25/2002
Urgently need Carrot Bags.... - mark foster 11:07:44 9/25/2002
catechu - Ingrid 06:07:00 9/25/2002
rangoli! - Gwyn Thomas 00:07:19 9/25/2002
Is there a search engine for pictures? - Lauren 23:40:10 9/24/2002
steamed (me, not the henna) - Tom 08:35:44 9/24/2002
henna powder - lisa 06:32:58 9/24/2002
yee haw for me!!! - Willowhawk 05:58:25 9/24/2002
chinese alphabet - camilo 01:58:09 9/24/2002
Henna Mozzarella? I prefer Cheddar. - Lauren 00:21:26 9/24/2002
Sifting large quantities and help with Fred-O-Matic - Lauren 00:16:18 9/24/2002
Gryphoemia poster child - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:15:00 9/23/2002
Unreal... - MyST 22:18:04 9/23/2002
- All too real - Anne Beltestad 02:18:19 9/24/2002
- *urgh* - Erfan 00:35:42 9/24/2002
WHERE TO BUY Amla and Shikakai? - Murzilka 18:30:54 9/23/2002
Mehndi Art - Usha Jain 10:03:30 9/23/2002
mehendi artist - Usha Jain 09:57:23 9/23/2002
Kenzi - Gloria 09:38:35 9/23/2002
Jamila is in - Amy :-) 02:17:44 9/23/2002
Any suggestions on a good quality henna powder - Sarah 01:59:57 9/23/2002
And how was YOUR gig this lovely Merc Ret weekend? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 23:37:36 9/22/2002
chinese alphabet - Jennifer 22:52:21 9/22/2002
henna removes warts - sam 22:18:28 9/22/2002
Henna - Megan 21:52:04 9/22/2002
Japanese or Chinese lettering - Rachael smith 19:59:46 9/22/2002
Here there be Monsters - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:02:31 9/22/2002
Steaming Question - Carly 18:02:42 9/22/2002
Henna armband patterns. - simon 13:30:16 9/22/2002
I've Found Jacquard Bottles! - Gloria 13:01:12 9/22/2002
Taj - Gloria 12:55:05 9/22/2002
Skin 2 Expo I'll be there come pay me a visit! - mark foster 10:07:33 9/22/2002
advice on fingertip henna - Matt 03:57:58 9/22/2002
i need ur help - shamma 20:45:38 9/21/2002
Anubis gets henna from Yemen - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:29:52 9/21/2002
Need partner(s) for next September in Western Mass. - Lauren 12:06:41 9/21/2002
chinese alphabet - Mita Patel 18:36:42 9/20/2002
EO question - shaon 16:33:51 9/20/2002
Shrinkage problem (good night professer!!!) - Lelia 16:08:32 9/20/2002
pure henna is safe! - nina 12:00:14 9/20/2002
Henna from Yemen (Sam I am) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 00:46:33 9/20/2002
Can I freeze henna to keep it fresh? - Paula 00:20:28 9/20/2002
My Anniversary Henna Design - BellaNoir 21:36:41 9/19/2002
Moroccan Henna - Heather (moroccan treasures) 19:07:02 9/19/2002
Reactive vessels? - Bree 18:14:21 9/19/2002
Talcum Powder Fine - Gloria 18:10:56 9/19/2002
lawsonia henna is 100 % pure! - lena larsson 17:33:06 9/19/2002
Regarding swedish scientist report against henna - kelly 16:19:34 9/19/2002
Where to begin? - Angyl 16:16:46 9/19/2002
Nude henna happenings - Steph 16:00:34 9/19/2002
Good news about Taj!!! - Lauren 15:24:52 9/19/2002
o/t... has anyone else been getting popup ads on the forum? - Kim B 05:29:01 9/19/2002
skin prep - Tom 04:12:50 9/19/2002
Japanese or Chinese lettering - Sean Cleary 03:16:11 9/19/2002
Henna in Ancient Greece - Soraya 23:14:12 9/18/2002
Artist in Orlando area? Rachael maybe? - Denise 20:42:37 9/18/2002
Most Fabulous Stain!!!!!! - Juliette du Soleil 18:56:38 9/18/2002
Library program - Kelly M. 14:50:20 9/18/2002
Henna conference - Amy :-) 13:36:59 9/18/2002
Henna Conference - Amy:-) 13:26:04 9/18/2002
Business Opportunity in Tuscan - Littlefox 12:15:17 9/18/2002
Sad gecko. - Catherine Cartwright Jones 04:29:58 9/18/2002
Tattoo Studio Requires Henna Artist- RoseHill - london - UK - Natasha Jonsky 17:47:30 9/17/2002
Perhaps improved production for henna? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:21:26 9/17/2002
henna tattoist for party - Demelza Blick 09:21:40 9/17/2002
given this a shot - Lelia 01:51:09 9/17/2002
Jamila - Anne Beltestad 01:20:13 9/17/2002
Standards for Indian henna powder (and the dye is: *drum roll*) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:39:08 9/16/2002
Import question and Taj update - Lauren 17:22:31 9/16/2002
Woad leaf - S.Sharma 16:22:20 9/16/2002
more stolen pics - rachael 15:41:36 9/16/2002
Nice article! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:03:30 9/16/2002
Message for Erfran - Maureen 10:02:20 9/16/2002
Journal Issue III - Alex 09:22:02 9/16/2002
1st person account of Moroccan Wedding - maxx 05:00:01 9/16/2002
Hmmm........ - Kim 02:50:38 9/16/2002
Differing color left/right? - Zorba 02:21:41 9/16/2002
Dorm Henna Boogie - Allison 22:08:18 9/15/2002
MIDWEST HENNA CONFERENCE UPDATE - Amy :-) 20:26:02 9/15/2002
Can you print this pic out easily? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:01:36 9/15/2002
Woad Henna Leaves - S.sharma 16:26:31 9/15/2002
Tour des Artistes.....what happened - maxx 16:22:03 9/15/2002
Where can I buy the dreamy Fred O mattic???? - Heather (Moroccan Treasures) 14:10:42 9/15/2002
Le "maquillage" au henné - Noli 07:36:17 9/15/2002
how to make nail polish? - Tara 00:23:23 9/15/2002
PPD Warning on Indian Site - Kree @ Gilded Lilies 19:26:47 9/14/2002
henna on wood? - Karin 18:15:59 9/14/2002
HennaMania! Bookstore BETA 1 now available - Tor Skude 15:31:19 9/14/2002
henna on drums continued - Tom 07:51:36 9/14/2002
Guess who I met! - maxx-a-laxx-a-raxx-raxx 06:42:08 9/14/2002
Ratio - Sondarya 00:42:56 9/14/2002
music for the background - maxx 22:16:19 9/13/2002
Thanks and a question... - nonn 19:45:30 9/13/2002
mYst, I've lost your addy please e-mail.Thnx. n/t - maxx 19:12:35 9/13/2002
Ozzfest meets Jr. League (long) - Angi 18:18:09 9/13/2002
henna over regular hair dye - gracie 17:32:08 9/13/2002
- NO! - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:42:37 9/13/2002
- Re: NO! - gracie 00:33:52 9/14/2002
Henna on the Travel Channel - Zimra 15:15:41 9/13/2002
The HennaMania! bookstore. - Tor Skude 15:02:35 9/13/2002
The BIZ tonite! - Noli 06:48:14 9/13/2002
Is this the dreaded PPD "Black" henna? - Shymaa 06:42:31 9/13/2002
Black henna question - Someone 05:47:55 9/13/2002
New to henna - Sarah 01:16:37 9/13/2002
Pebeo Tips & Fred-O-Matic - Ms Michele 17:38:13 9/12/2002
In search of a steamer - Yamile 17:22:07 9/12/2002
Doing the Happy Job Dance! - Rachael 13:36:15 9/12/2002
Support for quitting ..... - Catherine Cartwright Jones 13:32:38 9/12/2002
Hello to all - MA 13:18:40 9/12/2002
I met a woonderful lady today........ - Erfan 11:25:57 9/12/2002
Lemon juice question - Nadia 23:34:12 9/11/2002
Off Topic........Galway New York - maxx 18:25:21 9/11/2002
9/11 Thanks - Kenzi 17:40:36 9/11/2002
Henna Teacher - Rea 17:21:16 9/11/2002
Archaeological record - Mavis 02:52:53 9/11/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - adam tindall 22:02:57 9/10/2002
My Home-made Henna Sifter - Shymaa 20:53:48 9/10/2002
Storing henna powder - Karin 17:18:46 9/10/2002
Namaste from India - Rupal 13:14:20 9/10/2002
to Lesley in Toronto - jenn in BC 06:35:44 9/10/2002
Essential oils - Karin 01:08:08 9/10/2002
stencils for hands - Jill 00:15:01 9/10/2002
what am I doing wrong? help! - nonn 23:38:14 9/9/2002
Google, Henna and hundreds of thousands of links. - maxx 21:01:38 9/9/2002
What to do about unsupportive family - Nancy 18:07:23 9/9/2002
Chk this site out? CCJ & Kenzi. henna patterns.. - Natx Wang 03:56:16 9/9/2002
ahhh to watery! what should i do! - Lisa McKinney 20:32:34 9/8/2002
temptu question - Rymke 13:36:42 9/8/2002
the phenomenon of the fast vanish of the trad. use of henna in turkey - Erfan 07:25:08 9/8/2002
Monsoon Wedding on DVD - Dawn R 05:52:43 9/8/2002
makin´ the henna-boogie coyote-dance! - Erfan 00:56:54 9/8/2002
stack'o'abstracts - Catherine Cartwright Jones 20:34:53 9/7/2002
To my sister Jewel! - Erfan 07:12:59 9/7/2002
homemade tattoo gun - chris jaworski 02:30:22 9/7/2002
these tap dancing e-books i got - maxx 00:19:25 9/7/2002
way off topic....giving away blue glass bottles - Kenzi 22:56:22 9/6/2002
Compleatly off topic - If you know anything about saxaphones please read - samantha 20:50:42 9/6/2002
where to get temptu - Rymke 19:08:22 9/6/2002
what to do..what to do? - Mika 17:11:00 9/6/2002
Bounce (bounce up, bounce down) - Catherine Cartwright Jones 15:02:38 9/6/2002
HennaMania! Celebrates 2500 visitors with a competition! - Tor Skude 14:40:54 9/6/2002
Henna Hair dye disaster - Claire 11:19:38 9/6/2002
just how bad is PPD hair dye? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:22:25 9/6/2002
Clients had a reaction- HELP PLEASE!! - Lauren 02:18:35 9/6/2002
not dog chow - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:21:08 9/6/2002
Outing myself-In need of help/advice - KariB 22:50:24 9/5/2002
by maxx - kimia results.... 22:17:20 9/5/2002
Where can I get Eyebrow Threading in Milton Keynes - Des 21:18:56 9/5/2002
hair gone orange - anna 17:55:47 9/5/2002
Have a ??'s - Tyler 16:51:42 9/5/2002
chinese letters - Laura Furze 16:08:28 9/5/2002
Ewww, bad tat - Karin 15:59:07 9/5/2002
Question - MA 13:53:13 9/5/2002
Age limits - Karen Marie 13:02:45 9/5/2002
HOW DO YOU MAKE HENNA PASTE? - Jeremy 03:16:21 9/5/2002
Website update - Nick 00:51:05 9/5/2002
Ontario - Belly Dance School Opening - Mika 00:13:21 9/5/2002
transfers - Karin 22:12:41 9/4/2002
European Henna Conference????? - Rebecca 21:12:59 9/4/2002
Got another question for you - Steph 21:01:22 9/4/2002
dangnabbit! I did it AGAIN! - sherry 20:32:48 9/4/2002
hmmmm maybe this - sherry 20:29:07 9/4/2002
Need to buy some henna powder urgently (for Saturday) - Lynn UK 18:45:30 9/4/2002
oopsidaisey - sherry 18:16:32 9/4/2002
Spellbinding (that's my business name) Henna - Sherry 18:12:36 9/4/2002
I thought you all might find this amusing considering all the requests for name translations - Shel (meandering off topic slightly) 18:07:12 9/4/2002
yes! - Steph 17:41:15 9/4/2002
no longer doing henna in public - Darla so Dreadly 16:56:00 9/4/2002
EEP! - Steph 16:17:45 9/4/2002
Looking for a couple of henna artist in Pgh area. - Maureen 12:19:39 9/4/2002
chineses Symbols - Nicholas S. Crisp 02:48:54 9/4/2002
on nails? - Karin 01:09:30 9/4/2002
Japanese letters for tattos - marcelo esquivel 00:52:30 9/4/2002
Yay! A New Brand of Henna! - Lauren 00:29:57 9/4/2002
SURMA(for you CCJ) - Rebecca 21:19:08 9/3/2002
Body art on MTv Video Music awards - Allison 20:33:18 9/3/2002
Artist needed for Staten Island, NY - Lauren 19:53:51 9/3/2002
Henna artist sought in Wilmington, DE - Kenzi 15:54:37 9/3/2002
Henna result - MA 14:40:42 9/3/2002
black dye in Morocco BAD BAD - Heather (Moroccan Treasures) 03:55:11 9/3/2002
don't mean to be so random, but has anyone else noticed alot of tension on the forum lately? n/t - Khoa 03:30:53 9/3/2002
chinese symbols - Rebecca 02:52:42 9/3/2002
Feeling like a dumbass white girl... - Erika 23:51:15 9/2/2002
Team Kenzi Henna Event - report and photos - Kenzi 21:39:46 9/2/2002
I´m back and missed you soooooooo much! - Erfan 21:11:04 9/2/2002
Navreet books!!! - Lelia 20:10:00 9/2/2002
Two Day Old Stain on Palm Still Burnt Orange..... - Jamie 16:55:52 9/2/2002
Free Carrot Bag Sample - Gloria 11:47:17 9/2/2002
new mixtures - lucille 08:49:48 9/2/2002
henna on other body parts - tahlia 05:42:41 9/2/2002
translate your name to Japanese calligraphy symbols - harry 02:41:56 9/2/2002
need your help - shaon 21:33:42 9/1/2002
Looking for henna photos to use....... - Jamie 20:22:53 9/1/2002
free henna patterns - Zainab Kara 19:16:46 9/1/2002
Japanese or Chinese lettering - Deni Robertson 18:28:27 9/1/2002
book of " traditionnal henna design" - BENYESSAD RIAD 17:29:00 9/1/2002
"She uses Vaaaaaseline" - maxx 15:37:11 9/1/2002
Anybody remember that energy vampire thread from way back? - Alissa 04:14:17 9/1/2002
different brands/different color of stain? - Karin 03:08:29 9/1/2002
Seriuos Henna Confrence info - Lelia 02:56:29 9/1/2002
Kimia from Maureen @ EverydayMehndi - maxx 00:45:35 9/1/2002
Improving the smell of henna paste.......... - Jamie 00:12:36 9/1/2002
"F--K" HENNA TATTOOS - David 21:42:35 8/31/2002
Henna in Belgium - Steven 21:04:45 8/31/2002
henna on eyes? - Karin 20:53:54 8/31/2002
First time henna pic and question....... - Jamie 20:42:27 8/31/2002
Local tv station just ran a negative segment on henna.. what next? - Alissa 17:49:29 8/31/2002
Ft.Lauderdale/South Beach - Tara 15:56:38 8/31/2002
Looking for phoenix - Calvin 14:35:51 8/31/2002
Not so great first time results - Nadia 13:31:10 8/31/2002
could u make me a desing.......please - sultan 03:49:00 8/31/2002
Help!! Cone making question - Nadia 00:01:44 8/31/2002
bad henna do good! - Angie 17:25:30 8/30/2002
interesting link - samantha 15:36:57 8/30/2002
Lawsonia inermis - Maya 15:08:22 8/30/2002
Getting different shades naturally - Maya 14:58:06 8/30/2002
How do you guys keep from getting neck cramps? - Nadia 14:34:54 8/30/2002
A solution to comparing colors - Lauren 14:19:37 8/30/2002
Cincinnati over Labor Day Weekend ? - Nancy 11:27:24 8/30/2002
FINALLY - samantha 10:29:17 8/30/2002
Japanese or Chinese lettering - Melinda 09:13:45 8/30/2002
Okay, CCJ, that's about enough! - Lauren 03:19:30 8/30/2002
symbols of love and friendship - Janaya Cleaver 01:49:47 8/30/2002
Comparision chart that may be useful with essential oils - Maureen 23:35:57 8/29/2002
Questions...I'm mixing paste today for the first time!! - Nadia 20:24:35 8/29/2002
Help Please - Looking for a Henna/Mehndi supplier in Toronto, Canada - Lesley 19:50:30 8/29/2002
Japanese or Chinese lettering - niki 16:15:40 8/29/2002
black henna report on TV - shaon 16:10:00 8/29/2002
Fred makes friends with Mr. Chunky - Catherine Cartwright Jones 14:19:35 8/29/2002
Novice - needs transfer info - Lesley 14:12:59 8/29/2002
mari_mari_mac@hotmail.com - Being Pampered 13:27:46 8/29/2002
names in chinese symbols - Bas schutten 11:42:11 8/29/2002
Henna plant yield - jade 07:44:56 8/29/2002
Are there a huge number of henna plantations out there? - Khoa 06:16:32 8/29/2002
Pregnancy henna - Kelly M. 03:00:50 8/29/2002
Henna conference in SoCA? - maxx 02:34:13 8/29/2002
eyebrow threading - Raquel 01:30:16 8/29/2002
need info - Albert Demers 21:24:22 8/28/2002
terp question - Nadia 20:54:34 8/28/2002
Was henna used in Ancient Egypt? - Erika 19:36:47 8/28/2002
Digging in a barrel of Cholis - Catherine Cartwright Jones 19:11:53 8/28/2002
Questions about henna and grey hair. - Chris Fisher 18:52:13 8/28/2002
As a consumer... - Natasha Papousek 18:20:43 8/28/2002
henna allergy - lezard 18:15:46 8/28/2002
need to buy henna by the KG - jazibe 15:00:14 8/28/2002
Japanese letters for tattos - JJ Costlow 14:53:21 8/28/2002
Temptu - Sharon 10:46:14 8/28/2002
- Re: Temptu - Catherine Cartwright Jones 12:12:16 8/28/2002
`bong sung a' plant - Andy Brown 05:20:27 8/28/2002
Sarah's first attempt at left-handed henna. - The Henna Works 04:39:20 8/28/2002
Nobody likes a pop quiz - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:36:53 8/28/2002
WHY? - Noli 02:51:35 8/28/2002
- Re: WHY? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 03:13:46 8/28/2002
- Re: WHY? - Noli 04:13:47 8/28/2002
- Re: WHY? - Catherine Cartwright Jones 04:45:30 8/28/2002
making reusable stencils - Todd 02:35:40 8/28/2002
The Pennsic Wars, 1 - 5 - Catherine Cartwright Jones 01:20:54 8/28/2002
Going Pro - Nancy 23:20:12 8/27/2002
the green coloured dye in henna powder,they call it "polish" here - rizwan ahmad 19:50:33 8/27/2002
A Newbie Shares First Work - Casey 19:11:07 8/27/2002
Open call for samples - Catherine Cartwright Jones 17:49:35 8/27/2002
Thanks for the advice - Sta abes hips 16:24:31 8/27/2002
symbols of love and friendship - tiffany mccollum 15:24:28 8/27/2002
Hanzi-Kaishu Font (chinese alphabet) - jessie 14:44:00 8/27/2002
free henna patterns - jensy 11:42:43 8/27/2002
email - Catherine Cartwright Jones 10:42:02 8/27/2002
frankincense - Lauren 03:16:05 8/27/2002
A moment of terror followed by a ray of sunshine - Lauren 02:42:16 8/27/2002
Essential Oils at EveryDay Mehndi!!! - Maureen 02:39:17 8/27/2002
Where can I buy Jaq bottles??? - Nadia 00:45:03 8/27/2002
Chuna? for those who know - Nick 23:31:45 8/26/2002
Caffenated Skin Lotion? - Littlefox 23:28:31 8/26/2002
Dye release times on various brands of henna - Lauren 22:16:03 8/26/2002
chinese symbols - Ralph 22:10:02 8/26/2002