What are Terpines, which oils, what's the difference?

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Posted by Kenzi on June 7, 2001 at 03:40:23:

I just did some research at Aromaweb (the site that Lisa suggested)
where I found the constituents of various oils. Here is what I found
out (followed by questions):

The following oils contain "terpinenol":
juniper, lavender, black pepper, bergamot, ginger, juniper berry,
marjoram, tea tree

The following oils contain "terpenene":
cajeput, tangerine, lime, oregano, carrot seed, thyme, yarrow, myrrh

The following oils contain "terpene":
fennel, lime

Also, oils like frankincense and ravensar don't contain any of the
above "terps".

So what are all these different "terps" and why don't certain oils
have them that we thought had them? Which form of "terp" works for
darkening henna? Help!


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