The power of laziness and inexactitude

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Posted by Kenzi on September 10, 2001 at 23:02:09:

In reply to: my take on the terp/spaghetti sauce problem posted by Zimra on September 10, 2001 at 05:11:38:

"add the terps until the paste is nice and stinky" ha ha! I can
imagine that this would be hard to quantify.

I definitely think the laid back approach helps the mix come out just
right. I don't like to cook like that, all finicky about the exact
measurements (also learned from my mother and grandmother of Eastern
European origins). I am happier when I am adding it until it gets
nice and stinky and perhaps that happiness gives the paste the power
to stain well.

Another strange thing that has happened the last 4 or 5 times i have
mixed henna is that I usually just dump my henna powder in a bowl and
add a bunch of lemon, sugar and oil...all in approximate amounts. I
mix it all up adding a little lemon here and there until the
consistency is right. When I go to put it into my j-bottles it fills
up two bottles exactly. Two bottles is usually what I am going for
but I don't measure it or even eyeball it with that in mind because I
figure it's better to have a little more. Sometimes I eyeball it and
say, "I should add more so I will have a third bottle" but it still
comes out to exactly two bottles. Mysterious forces are at work!


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