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Posted by Graeme on September 18, 2001 at 19:02:13:

Been on your site again.
On the Sirius mix page you state that "citrus oils are phototoxic so
no good for out door festivals".
Could you explain further. My dictionary does not have phototoxic in
it, so best guess here. photo, to do with light, toxic, poison I
assume that a reaction to light does not maje the EO poison to humans
so assume that the light in some way dameages the EO itself and makes
it lose it's majic. If I am totally wrong please put me right. You
say citrus are no good outdoors, does that mean they are good
indoors. The reason I ask is because a EO site I found the other day
says the citrus oils have the highest concentrates of terpenes ( they
spell it with an "e" i hope it's the same substance0.
All advice gratefully recieved.


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