My sister got married!
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Posted by Jewel on October 10, 2001 at 13:18:33:

Today (Wednesday in Singapore), my younger sister Hani got married to
the man of her dreams, Danial. This was taken at the Muslim
solemnisation ceremony this morning. I applied her fingertips henna on
Monday night. I used Meccan henna mixed with lime juice and gambir,
then added cajeput EO. Last night I did the intricate bits. I used
Navaid's natural premixed henna (added some cajeput EO 'cos paste was
a little dry). Hani asked for a Moroccan pattern (to my delight!) and
I copied this pattern from Loretta Roome's book (with some
modifications). This pic was taken about 5 hours after removal of
intricate patterns and almost 48 hours after removal of fingertips
Today was just the solemnisation ceremony, there will be a sit-down
dinner for about 300 people on Friday night and a HUGE lunch reception
on Sunday (we expect about 1000 guests to turn up ... PHEW!). I'll
post more pics of the mehndi and the wedding soon.
Love & peace,
~Jewel~ - who has at least a dozen of excited girl cousins/relatives
who wanted henna as well ...
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