Pictures of my sister's wedding ... and a short commentary :)
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Posted by Jewel on October 17, 2001 at 10:12:38:

PHEW! It's finally OVER!! Hani's wedding started on Wednesday
morning. They had their marriage solemnised that day. I did her henna
the night before. The Meccan henna stained a glorious deep red on her
fingertips. I used Navaid's natural paste for the patterns. Hani
wanted Moroccan (YAY!) so I chose a Loretta Roome inspired pattern
for the top of her hands. I started about midnight right after the
last guests left my house. By the time I finished both tops, she was
already nodding off, which makes it difficult for me to work faster
as she kept twitching her hands and stretching all the time. For her
palms, I reproduced a pattern I did before. The next day, the stains
were dark and lovely.
On Friday morning, Hani went through the customary Chinese tea
ceremony at Dan's place (Dan is Chinese Muslim). Later that evening,
Dan's family hosted a sit-down dinner for about 300 guests at a hotel
for his relatives and friends and on Sunday my family hosted a buffet
lunch reception for our relatives and friends. Mom must have invited
about 1,200 people (Golly gee!). It was a wonderfully colourful and
cheery occasion. The bride and groom was dressed in a traditional
Malay costume. They were escorted to the banquet hall amidst banging
from the "kompang" group, a traditional Malay instrument, like a flat
drum, played in a group of 10 - 12 people, with loud singing usually
praising God and prophet Muhammad. The bride and groom sat on a
beautifully decorated dias like a King & Queen while guests took
turns to be photographed with them. I decorated the bridal car and
made the hand bouquet for Hani.
Together with my mom and brother, I tended to the guests, lots of
kisses and hugs were exchanged as we meet relatives and old friends.
I was exhausted by the end of the day but thankful that everything
went as planned. It was nice seeing all those people again. I didn't
get to henna my cousins 'cos I was too busy doing millions of other
things. Oh well, we will plan a henna party soon, to make up for
that :).
I want to share some pics from the wedding with all of you. I wish
all of you could have been there :). Thanks for the best wishes!
Love & peace,
~Jewel~ - who is going barefoot at her wedding and inviting only 50
people ;) ...
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