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Re: EX. Bus Opp for Henna Expert!Posted by Dara on October 24, 2001 at 03:00:38: In reply to: Re: EX. Bus Opp for Henna Expert! posted by Shanon Lavender on October 22, 2001 at 23:36:27: : So just in case you check back, let me get this straight. You want: people to call a help line and pay for advice this page gives out : voluminously and freely to promote the use of henna? I think I will : stick with the page where I can get many answers offered for free by : a consortium of experts. This seems like a no-brainer to me. : Shanon : : : : : Hello! : : We have an excellent Business Opportunity for a Henna Expert (or : TWO : : if we can find two! ;-) )to work for our Advice Professional : : network.Must be very knowledgable of all aspects of Henna/Mehndi : and : : have the time to devote to it.Excellent pay,and very flexible : : schedule.It entails working at home/your location on the phone,any : : hours/days you choose.We need someone who is articulate and is : : comfortable talking on the phone.This would be great to help fill : in : : those coming months where you may not be doing as many Henna gigs! : : People will be able to call in and get immediate answers to their : : Henna questions,whether it be novices needing advice on henna boo- : : boos,first gig jitters,or someone calling in panicking from a bad : : experience with Black Henna and needing immediate advice.This : should : : be a fun category for the right person! : : We also have many other Categories and need Professionals in those : : also,including Intuitives (Psychics-Astrologers,Tarot : : readers,Numerologists,etc) and you must be : : experienced/Professional.Psychic network experience does not : : count.ALL of our Professionals are qualified and : interviewed/checked : : out for experience. : : If you are interested in any of the above,please e-mail us : : at :CALLAPRO@aol.com : : Thank you! :-) : : D. Shannon,and anyone who wonders.. Not everyone knows about the Henna page-or any other forums on the internet and many people still do not have computers to access information! Also,the Henna Line is for IMMEDIATE answers people might need rather than having to wait even a few hours,as time is of the essence in many situations,such as someone needing immediate advice with a bad ppd reaction! I see people posting on here all the time who may not get an answer to their sepcific question for several days,though most are answered fairly quickly,someone who is panicky and scared of a reaction they are having may not necessarily want to WAIT even an hour for an answer much less a few hours or even days! I do not know why some people seem to have such a negative attitude toward this geez! I come on this forum and yes I have been posting for quite a while ,just not often,and I do visit the forum much more than I post on it,and I thought people treated people fairly here and with at least as much respect as they would wish to be treated with but responses like these are anything but friendly and fair! :-( I posted here just offering a legitimate business opportunity for someone who loved Henna ( and yes I am a Henna Artist,for many years aside from being an American Indian Artist,and have been for most of my life as those of you have visited my web page are aware of )and I actually thought it would be an excellent idea and had someone in mind for it before I even ever posted about it as I thought they would have fun doing it,as I think anyone would!That person indicated they may have done it before when they were not so busy,but are too busy now,and i respect that as a person would have to devote time to it,jsut like anything else.. I was also not counting on people on this forum to be the people who would call in-I posted here LOOKING FOR AN EXPERT who would appreciate the opportunity!I also thought i mentioend this was a TRIAL thing,a NEW thing to see if there IS interest in it,and there definitely IS,much more interest and support for it than there is agasint it (s far only two negative comments out of all the responses I have received so far on the internet and off! YOU may not care for the idea,but that does not mean everyone else does not,and in fact,many people I have heard back from think itis an EXCELLENT idea and want to do it themselves! Darla being one of them,being actually the first person from THIS forum to respond to it and I do not know how you can be interested in something on the one hand and cut it down on the other,that is a bit odd to me,but all I am trying to do is give someone an opportunity and I think there is no reason to disprespect someone because you happen to not agree with it.I would not even THINK of doing that to anyone on this forum or anywhere else-not in my nature,and I do not understand why you feel you have to make negative comments about it..if you are not interested-just go onto the next post.That is what I do! All those who want to know more about it, can e-mail me and ask! Simple as that! What is the big deal??? I also do not know why it makes a difference or what business it is of anyone's how many people e-mailed me about this..? I tell you what,I have never felt so unwelcome anywhere in my life! If people want to know about it,they can e-mail me themselves and ask! They are big girls and boys! They do not need someone telling them what they should r should not be interested in! I do not like taking up forum space on stuff like this either as I stated before,it seems ridiculuous and counter-productive for everyone.You have not seen me come on here and comment that any of your ideas are stupid or unnecessary...nor would I.That is not for me to decide and it is downright rude! Ideas are very relative and subject to individual opinions and preferences and it is pretty un-American for people to try and run anyones ideas into the ground! Especially when they have no clue about it and have not even bothered to ask! Anyway,I thought anyone had the right to post Henna related items here,but I guess I was wrong! :-\ I also thought anyoe could post without being attacked or have to defend themselves,when the people making the negative comments have not even checked anything out yet! Or it is ok for anyone but me..for whatever strange reason? For the most part,everyone has been very nice and all,and only a couple seem to have a problem with it for whatever reason and that is your right,but it is not your right to disrespect someone you do not even know and insult their ideas..that is really rude. Anyway,if it would make a couple people feel better or more secure or whatever if people with good or different and creative ideas did not post here maybe nobody should post! I have read some pretty out there posts from people trying different things,and yes,they involved profiting from henna and their henna knowledge and talent and I saw people ENCOURAGING them and I may not have liked their ideas,but of course said nothing so how is that any different than this idea I would like to know..? I have posted on other areas around the internet and nobody has reacted like this anywhere but on this forum! I think most people will not of course,but for some reason,some people must just feel better when they try and make other people feel bad.I would never do that-try and squelch a persons creativity or orginality.That seems a strange attitude too for people posting on a Henna page,with the art of Henna being one of the most creative,expressive artforms there is! :-\ Believe it or not,I am a NICE person (if some people would bother to contact me and talk to me first they would have found that out!)and the person that does the Henna line will not only benefit from working taking calls,as i pay EXTREMELY well,but will benefit from it for their Henna business also,so you tell me how that is bad and if that makes me a horrible person for offering someone that kind of opportunity??? Geez! Excuse me for thinking I was going to help someone! I bet you did not think of that aspect of it huh? Anyway,I am not going to sit here and defend myself agasint something and a couple of people who have negative attitudes about things.. Just because you may have seens some obvious scammers on here offering bogus work at home schemes on here,that they charge FEES for (no fees here!)do not put that on me.I have been in business with my current company here since 1989 with ZERO complaints,ZERO BBB complaints,NO negative stuff whatsoever,and started this netwrok BECAUSE of all the garbage I saw out there with fake Organizations scamming people and taking advantage of people working at home and such..so you are way off if you think this is a scheme as it is not,and i do not tell people they are going to be rich,or even guarantee they will make a lot of money,and am totally honest with people about the opportunity and what it may or may not do,and some people have the far-sightedness to beleive it will be a good thing and actually help people,and have the pioneering spirit it takes to help make it work,and that is the person,or people if we decide to have more,that we will choose to do it. No negative people are needed Thank you! I have said more than enough,and do not care to keep going on with this,so if it becomes a problem for you webmaster,site owner,please fell free to remove my posts and this string from your forum. The last thing i want to do is negatively affect a wonderful web site. Dara
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