first henna in a while
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Posted by jolynn on November 9, 2001 at 06:32:09:

After being sick for awhile I finally felt up to doing a design. I was
so inspired by Ida's work I had to try one or two. Hope I didn't
butcher them too much,Ida, the originals are so beautiful.
I scanned this about 15 hours after the paste was off. I used Castle
Art's powder, lemon juice and tea tree oil. This is the first design I
sealed with latex. I also wrapped it with TP and left it over night.
The paste was on about 9 hours.
It's nice be hennaing again, heck it's nice to be doing anything other
than coughing wishing I could scratch the inside of my lungs!
Jolynn-who is rejoining the world of the living.
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