Appendix 1How you can help If you want to contact your USA congressman, to express your concern that the FDA is threatening rights to free expression of religion, or celebration of ethnic traditions, by interfering with the free import of 100% pure henna (as is deemed by the FDA itself as exempt from certification requirements) please: Find your congressman or local official here: Write your own cover letter expressing your concerns. Letters to the EEOC, the body particularly concerned with these freedoms, may be helpful. Letters to Muslim and Hindu religious leaders in the US, and those who lobby for the interests of Middle Eastern, North African and South Asian countries and their citizens in the USA may be very helpful. You can contact the FDA and tell them if you feel that 100% pure henna should be imported for use on religious occasions, preserving ethnic traditions, and for educational and historic study. See: This site states : "FDA rules have considerable impact on the nation's health, industries and economy. These rules are not created arbitrarily or in a vacuum. They are formed with the public's help. So HELP them! You can petition the FDA. For guidelines, see: You can write to the FDA. The address and instructions are at: You can send your E-Comments Directly to the FDA! You can submit your comments through the FDAWebsite on many of FDA's proposed regulations at:
India Together is a lobbying organization for USA residents of Indian heritage. The Indian-American community is the fastest growing minority in the USA. If you are from India, and feel that the FDA's rulings on henna hinder YOUR rights to worship or maintain your ethnic traditions, please see: This is a group which works to help Indian-Americans present their concerns to Congress! If you are not Indian-American, but wish to express your concerns that the FDA ruling against henna violates the rights and heritage of people from India, contact them! You can write to your congressman through them at : If you are Muslim and are concerned that your henna heritage is endangered by the FDA's position on henna, you may wish to contact the lobbying organization for Muslims : Sephardic Jewish women have celebrated the Night of the Henna for over 2500 years. Jewish women who wish to insure that their henna heritage is preserved in the USA may wish to contact: United Jewish Communities, Telephone: 212.284.6500 Postal address: United Jewish Communities Suite 11E 111 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10011 |