The Henna Page Journal
Henna and People of Color
Catherine Cartwright Jones
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PPD Black Henna, P-phenylenediamine Black Hair Dye added to Henna

In recent years, PPD black hair dye has been added to henna or used instead of henna to create jet-black stains. This is dangerous and unnecessary. Though people of color may feel that a jet-black stain is the only thing that will show on their skin, natural henna colors are beautiful on dark skin, and are safe. P- phenylenediamine can cause skin blistering and lesions, often leading to permanent scarring and sensitization to many products. Link to information on the health hazards of using black hair dye directly on skin:

~ Catherine Cartwright Jones

All henna work, lineart, photography and designs by Catherine Cartwright Jones.
Registered with US Library of Congress Copyright Office, June 2001
TapDancing Lizard publications
4237 Klein Ave.
Stow, Ohio 44224
Photographs, lineart, and text may not be reproduced in print or electronic format without written permission from Catherine Cartwright Jones and TapDancing Lizard publications.

Artists may make free use of these patterns in their own hand-drawn henna work!


  1. Link to patterns from various African countries


  1. Sources of henna, New Skin, and essential oils, and details of techniques as used in photographs

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