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The Henna Page Journal
Ozzfest Diary
Catherine Cartwright Jones
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Appendix 9


Waivers make good legal and business sense. Your clients should be informed of what is in your henna mix, and you should be certain that they are at an age of consent, and understand what they are purchasing.

Gwyn tirelessly waivered every last person who got henna! She read each statement to each person aloud, made certain that they agreed, and collected their signatures, then signed as a witness!

To get henna, each person had to agree and sign that:

  1. Headbanger Henna Mix
  2. Liability Insurance
  3. Contracts
  4. The Money Thing
  5. Booth and Mats
  6. Trust and Teamwork
  7. HEAT
  8. Pattern Placement
  9. Waivers

1) I am sixteen (16) years of age or older. (Persons under 16 must provide the signature of a perent or guardian.)

2) I understand that my henna is a temporary stain that will fade within a month. Henna is not a tattoo, nor it it permanent.

3) I understand that TapDancing Lizard henna paste does not contain para-phenylenediamine (PPD).

4) Tap Dancing Lizard henna paste includes henna (lawsonia inermis) lemon juice, and sugar, and may contain the following:
Tea Tree or Cajeput essential oil
Geranium or Neroli essential oil
Cypress or Lavendar essential oil.

I am not, to my knowledge, allergic to any of the included ingredients.

I hold harmless TapDancing Lizard, Catherine Cartwright-Jones, and associates for any adverse affects of this henna.

Parent or guardian (if under sixteen)


For more info on henna, visit

We asked people questions to determine if they were allergic to the essential oils by asking: "Are you allergic to Ben Gay, Icy Hot, Tiger Balm, Mentholatum, perfumes, after shaves, Coast soap, Irish Spring soap, or Pine-Sol cleaner". If they said they were OK with that lot, we felt fairly coinfident that the EO's wouldn't give them any problem.

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