The Microtel is quite nice. The rest scares the hell out of me if I think about it in much detail. LIGHTING THE GRASS IS ARSON. ARSON IS A FELONY PUNISHABLE WITH HIGH FINES AND POSSIBLE JAIL TIME. WE PROSECUTE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. This is one of the first things I noticed at 6:30am. I'm not up to noticing a lot but the lettering is large and the sign is in several locations. The message penetrates the fog but I fail to perceive it as an omen. Our booth set up is very quick and I am a little resentful of having to hurry up and wait. We are positioned near the beer, food, and restrooms. We figure that this is an ideal spot for traffic. It is hotter today and we are set up on the asphalt. Those dogmats are the best for lining up a butt gallery and for keeping you off the hot asphalt. We have a bit of a laugh that they are going to serve cheap beer in fishbowls at the stand near us.  |