Re: did i get ripped off or not?
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Posted by Sonia on August 02, 1999 at 19:27:05:
In Reply to: did i get ripped off or not? posted by Miss Monica on August 02, 1999 at 18:40:35:
I worked on Atlantic Ave. in Va. Beach for a couple weekends. I gave 50%. It was a temporary tattoo booth and the owner plus several others were there the whole time doing the temp. tattoos. I brought my own seperate display boards, design books and all my own supplies. I was the only one doing henna there. The property down there is very expensive, she has to make all her money during the summer season (about 4 months) and I know her property (she owns 2 stores) is in the thousands per month. I also was offered a job in another place which would give me 40% and supply all the stuff I would need (but it was the stuff the airbrush guy had ordered- he just got too busy to do the henna bodyart. I do neither one anymore because they just wanted me to charge too much. I had to double my prices because the airbrush and temp tattoos lasted about a week (which is a bunch of BS but that is what they tell people) and mine last longer. One place wanted me to tell them they lasted for a month, another questioned me when a person said they were going to shower and I suggested they come back after they do. When I do something I want to be honest. They didn't want me to tell them not to go in the water, because *the other henna people* down on Atlantic Ave. did not tell them that. I know that I am not a business minded person. I do this for artistic reasons, but it is nice to make some bucks from it, but I'll be *&^&* if I have to keep back vital info. Who are they going to come back and complain to? Me. I know I must sound frustrated. I guess I went off for a minute. Anyway everything I have encountered as been 40 to 50%. I even worked in a salon and she wanted 50%. So instead of 10 for a bracelet I had to charge 20 which I felt was crazy. I guess it depends on how much they pay for their property, where the location is ect. ect. Take Care, Sonia