beautiful dark SMEARED color!
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Posted by Anna Beltestaad on September 07, 1999 at 20:08:39:
Hi everybody, Last week I did some very elaborate designs on both my hands, front and back. My left hand was wrapped overnight (8-9 hours) and I did not allow it to get wet for over 24 hours. The result; an incredible, near-black stain...that's smeared where my palm creased! I did the wrap I normally do, lemonsugar, cotton balls, tp, then an ace bandage. It happened on my right hand too (yes I am one of those lucky souls who can henna the right hand, it's really not that hard!) I think what happened is the ace bandage smushed my palm into itself. How can I avoid this? The color is absolutely superb, I have NEVER seen henna this dark, but the design is somewhat embarassing. Peace, Anna