wrapping with an ace bandage
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Posted by Shel on September 08, 1999 at 01:41:10:
In Reply to: beautiful dark SMEARED color! posted by Anna Beltestaad on September 07, 1999 at 20:08:39:
I always wrap my hennaed hands and feet with ace bandages before bed. I have never had a problem with my feet smearing, but it took a bit of doing to get keep my hands from smearing. The best solution I found, first seal your desing with lemon/sugar or New Skin, and then after you put your layer of tp/cotton make a pad of folded papertowels or more tp thick enough to fill that little space that the bandage creates. I then wrap the whole thing with a layer of seran wrap, then the bandage. The extra padding seems to keep my hand from curving and smearing the lines. The whole mess definately helps on the sweat factor, and the bandage keeps me from having to explain why I have my hand wraped up like a leftover (LOL) when I don't have time to remove it in the mornings before taking my daughter to school. Hope this helps!