New Skin
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Posted by Roxanne on September 24, 1999 at 06:48:16:
Haven't done mehndi for a while, but came across a killer batch of henna powder and had to mix up a batch. While I was out getting supplies for wrapping, I saw New Skin, which my athletic sister used to put on her large boo-boos when she slid into a base! I thought it would be a good thing to try using w/mehndi, and wondered how anyone else used it. I'm guessing you'd have to wait until the mud is set well w/syrup and dry before "sealing" w/the product, but wasn't sure how removal would work. Anyone got ideas or experience with this product? THANKS! P.S. Also, added pomegranite molassas to my mud mix for the first time and really liked the consistancy of the mud!