Re: Grief Henna?
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Posted by CAtherine Cartwright Jones on October 13, 1999 at 04:43:23:
In Reply to: Grief Henna? posted by Lisa on October 09, 1999 at 07:14:10:
Historically, traditionally, mourning is the one time absolutely no nobody does henna. Henna is not allowed for 40 days to two years after a death...the justification is that henna is a symbol of a woman taking delight and joy in living and loving, and it is traditionally inappropriate for a woman to express any joy in life when someone close has died. HOWEVER....that may belong that on the same shelf as the traditional henna-associated notions that women are polluted, inferior, and unable to function whatsoever without a man to tell them what to do and think. Personally, I think I'll allot several kilos of the primo stuff to be issued to all and sundry for my wake! Sounds like a great idea! Historically, it IS appropriate to henna, dance and sing at the demise of one's enemy......I like that one, too.