Re: Grief Henna?
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on October 13, 1999 at 18:46:56:
In Reply to: Re: Grief Henna? posted by CAtherine Cartwright Jones on October 13, 1999 at 04:43:23:
: Historically, traditionally, mourning is the one time absolutely no : nobody does henna. Henna is not allowed for 40 days to two years : after a death... I've been taking a class on Middle Eastern Folklore, and my readings suggest that possibly the main reason for not using henna for 40 days after a funeral is that the the death of a loved one is a vulnerable time for the women close to the deceased, a perfect time for evil spirits to cause trouble in the form of possession, sickness, etc. Spirits are attracted to beauty -- so no cosmetics are used -- perfume, kohl, henna, hair oil -- and the women maintain a very low profile until the proscribed period has passed. Interestingly the 40 days seems to be an important length of time -- lots of life events require 40 days of either abstinence or seclusion -- birth, marriage (a real honeymoon where the couple remains secluded for 40 days), etc. And didn't it rain for 40 days and nights in the Noah myth?