fine-tuning the comparisons
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 20:12:00:
In Reply to: Re: Favorite method for applying henna posted by Kenzi on October 18, 1999 at 19:29:43:
Coffee DOES NOT change the color in and of itself. However, it is convenient, you can boil up other things with it, and if your coffee is HOT when you add it, it will goose up the dye release. (Heat makes the molecules expand, and this makes them bind more readilly.) The Arabic countries that regularly use coffee to improve their henna color have clove, cardamom and suchlike in their coffees, and THOSE really DO make the difference! Not...IF caffiene slips through the skin into your blood-bearing layer, I can see how this might warm the skin. That, too, would help the henna. In side by side tests, the coffee, tea, and several other additives did not make a visible difference. Clove makes a visible difference. Heat makes a visible difference. Wraps make a visible difference. Euc oil is moot...some see a difference, some don't.