Re: fine-tuning the comparisons
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Posted by Kenzi on October 19, 1999 at 03:18:00:
In Reply to: fine-tuning the comparisons posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 18, 1999 at 20:12:00:
: difference. Clove makes a visible difference. Heat makes a visible : difference. Wraps make a visible difference. Euc oil is moot...some : see a difference, some don't. From my experience of almost every conceivable permutation and combination of ingredients (except camel urine;-)), I have found that cloves are the only thing that really darken the stain. I cook whole cloves in lemon juice and then use that lemon juice to make my paste and also my lemon sugar mix. My last batch was done this way; I kept the design on my hand for only 2 hours (I wrapped it up too soon and the design started to slide off) and the stain was DARK, DARK, DARK. yum!