Re: Safety
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Posted by Kj on October 25, 1999 at 17:56:55:
In Reply to: Safety posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 25, 1999 at 03:47:05:
Hi Catherine, Thanks for your concern. So far I have had no problems as far as skin irritation. A large percentage of my client base is repeat business, and so far so good. I use about ten drops of white camphor to two tablespoons of henna along with the usual reciepe. Camphor is the main active ingredient in Vick's Vapor rub(something my mother rubbed on my chest at least 100 times growing up). It's also the main active ingredient in such things as Ben Gay and Icy Hot so, on that premise I assumed it would be safe in the amounts that I am using. I would never rub the straight camphor on a client like I did to myself. When I finish this post I will of course check out the link you posted and adjust accordingly. I'll also have to look at the labels on these products and see if they have any kind of warning for skin irritation. Thank You for your help
- Side by Side? Catherine Cartwright Jones 05:04:09 10/26/99
- Re: Safety Catherine Cartwright Jones 21:46:47 10/25/99