College henna is getting messy...
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Posted by Rosie on October 25, 1999 at 21:59:15:
So I went a little overboard. I did a floor program for a Residence Assistant and about 15-20 students. I stayed an extra hour when I told them they hadn't contracted me for long enough, PLUS I did a mini- presentation on the spot. I only got 15 dollars more than my $35/hr flat rate, which includes all the henna I can possibly do in one hour. I can't seem to get paid for another appointment I did. The school said because I did work-study (which has less than diddly-squat to do with my henna business), I have to get paid through the school's payroll. They also said that it would not be possible to give me a deposit (which of course, I need to cover making the henna ahead of time.)I did the appointment last Thursday and my contract states that I am to be paid by the end of the appointment. I haven't seen the check. I admit that I am in over my head. I've got R.A.'s calling to make henna appointments left and right. The R.A.'s seem to want a small presentation plus the henna. How do I charge for this and how can I adjust my contract to make sure that I get paid for what I do? Clogged with air bubbles, Rosie