My camphor trial (disastrous ?) ...
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Posted by Jewel on November 10, 1999 at 16:30:14:
OK, so yesterday I bought a 10 ml bottle of Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) - Aromatheraphy 100% pure essential oil. One day before I've mixed up my henna with my elixir (lemon tea, lemon juice, cloves and pieces of beetroot). The paste was smooth and I know that it stains well 'cos I got some on my fingers (clumsy old me) and the spot turned bright orange minutes after. I put 4 - 5 drops of camphor into the paste and mixed well (the paste was still smooth then). I then put it in the Mehndi Mud bottle and put it in a corner. I only started drawing 5 hours later but I've got some difficulties trying to S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E the paste out. Not wanting to trash good quality henna, I emptied everything in my bowl again. The paste has turned all grainy and lumpy ! I used Catherine's carrot bag and tried my best to draw with it and I could only managed a simple wrist design. Hmmmmm ... I know I did something wrong somewhere ... too much camphor ? waiting time too long ? ... I just don't know ... Tonight I'm going to stain my fingertips with the henna (which by the way does not have an awful smell). I drew a flower in the middle of my right hand and left the paste for 30 mins and now the colour has turned dark brown :-) (something that can only be achieved after 6 hours of henna on skin). I know that camphor played a part on this. Perhaps someone (Catherine, Natasha, Kenzi, Kj ?) who has tried camphor could enlighten me on how to avoid this lumpy situation ... I'd LOVE to have henna staining like anything just a couple of hours after application :-) ... Thanks and peace !! ~Jewel~