Re: Henna and pregnancy
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 12, 1999 at 02:17:20:
In Reply to: Henna and pregnancy posted by stra-grazer on November 12, 1999 at 01:21:21:
If you hit the archives, this has been around several times..... It's tough to get a really good take, as ladies who are hugely pregnant have glassy new skin on their tummies, and that doesn't henna awfully well. The best henna color I got on a pregnant lady was done the day before her water broke, and her tummy may have been warmed up by contractions. Use the simplest possible henna paste recipe, no oils, no anything that could possibly harm her. Heating pads to help the henna color up may not be a good idea. The henna won't harm her or her child, but if she has any uneasiness, don't do it. Pregnant ladies shouldn't have to worry. From Hindu tradition: The Goddess Lakshmi does not like pregnant ladies to be hennaed, as she feels they are polluted (Lakshmi may cause problems with the child or the pregnancy if this is violated) ...... though they are permitted a henna party at the 7th month of pregnancy. When a woman is delivered, all fingernails and toenails should be hennaed to cleanse her of pollution, and if this is not done, Lakshmi may again cause dire problems. When the "lying in" period is over, then there is an excellent henna party with presenting the child to the sun and to the community. I've got traditional Hindu patterns for these, and contemporary henna tummy patterns too. Just email and ask.