Re: Henna and pregnancy
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Posted by star-grazer on November 12, 1999 at 02:43:58:
In Reply to: Re: Henna and pregnancy posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 12, 1999 at 02:17:20:
Thanks for the info. Tummy patterns would be excellent. I have only two at this time, by the way I am sending you a little money for all of your help and previous designs you sent me. Thank you very much. : If you hit the archives, this has been around several times..... : It's tough to get a really good take, as ladies who are hugely : pregnant have glassy new skin on their tummies, and that doesn't henna : awfully well. The best henna color I got on a pregnant lady was done : the day before her water broke, and her tummy may have been warmed up : by contractions. : Use the simplest possible henna paste recipe, no oils, no anything : that could possibly harm her. Heating pads to help the henna color up : may not be a good idea. : The henna won't harm her or her child, but if she has any uneasiness, : don't do it. Pregnant ladies shouldn't have to worry.
: From Hindu tradition: The Goddess Lakshmi does not like pregnant : ladies to be hennaed, as she feels they are polluted (Lakshmi may : cause problems with the child or the pregnancy if this is violated) : ...... though they are permitted a henna party at the 7th month of : pregnancy. When a woman is delivered, all fingernails and toenails : should be hennaed to cleanse her of pollution, and if this is not : done, Lakshmi may again cause dire problems. When the "lying in" : period is over, then there is an excellent henna party with presenting : the child to the sun and to the community. : I've got traditional Hindu patterns for these, and contemporary henna : tummy patterns too. Just email and ask.