New Skin vs. lemon/sugar water (lots more)
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Posted by Amy on November 22, 1999 at 07:04:27:
In Reply to: Re: out of the dark ages posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 22, 1999 at 02:14:57:
Sorry, I'm *very* new to this, but I'm curious: it seems that lemon or sugar water will act as a fixative to hold your design in place, like a non-bee-attractant "New Skin" :) Is this true, and if not, what is the purpose of lemon/sugar water? And then where does the lemon or lime juice come in? What I have so far gleaned as the best way to make henna goo: 1. Sift the powder in a tea-ball or piece of muslin. 2. Boil water. Some people seem to advocate boiling dried limes in the water, to make it darker. Does this work? Or do you simply add some lime juice to it? 3. Add the cooled water to the powder until it's a toothpaste-like consistency. Some sites say to use a glass bowl, not a ceramic one - why? 4. Put it in a homemade plastic tube, a la cake decorating tubes, or just use a paintbrush, and have a go at your skin 5. As you apply more of the design, already-done sections will start to dry and crack, so you should moisten it.... is this where you use the lemon/sugar water? How long do you keep moistening? And why do some people use eucalyptus or mehlabiya (or camphor *grin*) instead of this? 6. the eternal question: let it fall off, or scrape it off? 7. anything else I've missed? A BIG thank you to anyone who is patient & kind enough to edify this newbie :)