presently only available free.....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on November 28, 1999 at 21:11:46:
In Reply to: pattern book! To CCJ posted by liz on November 28, 1999 at 18:16:54:
My preposterous load of patterns are presently only available free, and only by asking by me directly by email. Because I intend for these all to go into the book I'm working on, I can't bundle them up now and publish them myself without copyright bother coming later. I can share them, though. (Publishing contracts are a #$%^...I've been through several). Because book writing and publishing is a LONG SLOW process, and I am under the impresseion that history, traditions, and patterns are needed by henna people NOW ... my best solution is to simply SHARE what I've got on the forum and email, while the process is going on. That also really motivates me to keep moving on it, because I'm getting feedback, finding out my mistakes, all that sort of thing. I do hope I find a publisher that does well by the book, and that eventually I get some nice $ and henna people everywhere will have a nice nice new book to play buy. I'm not in a rush. I want this thing done RIGHT. Until people will just have to suffer having FREE henna patterns in their email when they ask, and posts on the forum to read.