Re: Syringes ...

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Posted by kenzi on January 10, 2000 at 20:25:13:

In Reply to: Syringes ... posted by Jewel on January 10, 2000 at 12:38:30:

While in morocco I had only seen henna done with a syringe and was
awed at how very fast she worked and her ability to control the lines.
The magic of the henna artist!

Now that I have tried the syringe just to make straight lines I really
respect that magic. The henna comes out so fast that trying to make a
straight line can be a mess. When I moved too slowly the line turned
into a very tight squiggle and if I went too fast it was still a
squiggle which ended up partly on the floor! I think you can control
the flow of henna. All I did was push down a little bit on the
plunger (is there a correct word for this?) and the henna flowed
easily without any continuous pressure. I think if I had pressed less
I could have gotten a slower stream, one that was more manageable.
I'll have to try again and then try to actually do something other
than straight lines. I'll let you know after trying it again. Because
you don't have to continuously push the plunger it is less fatiguing


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