Syringes ...
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Posted by Jewel on January 10, 2000 at 12:38:30:
In Reply to: Let me tell you about my shopping trip posted by Kenzi on January 10, 2000 at 05:38:14:
: - glue syringe: this looks just like a syringe but the needle is not : sharp and is a little wider in diameter. It reminds me of what the : Moroccan henna women use to apply henna. they come in various sizes : (30 cc, 10 cc and 5 cc, I think). Igave it a try and once I got the : henna flowing (a bit of a challenge) it was quite easy to get nice : long and fine lines. The henna comes out fast so I will have to learn : to control it, but it was quite a thrill working with it. By the way, : I didn't suck the henna up through the needle but just dumped it in : the other end and then pushed it through with the plunger thingy. : Price: $1.19 I have heard of people using syringes to do mehndi but I've never seen it done before. I was wondering if it would be more difficult to control the flow of henna ? (I guess it all takes practice). Still, it would be interesting to watch it being done. BTW : I have a syringe that I use for my cat's oral medication. I wonder if I could try that. Tell us how it turned out :-) .... Peace ~Jewel~