Let me tell you about my shopping trip
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Posted by Kenzi on January 10, 2000 at 05:38:14:
Just got back from Pearl Paint. It's an art store, mostly out here in the east, and it's better than a museum and candy store combined into one. I just went to pick up some plastic bottles and couldn't resist poking around. Here's what I found: - glue syringe: this looks just like a syringe but the needle is not sharp and is a little wider in diameter. It reminds me of what the Moroccan henna women use to apply henna. they come in various sizes (30 cc, 10 cc and 5 cc, I think). Igave it a try and once I got the henna flowing (a bit of a challenge) it was quite easy to get nice long and fine lines. The henna comes out fast so I will have to learn to control it, but it was quite a thrill working with it. By the way, I didn't suck the henna up through the needle but just dumped it in the other end and then pushed it through with the plunger thingy. Price: $1.19 - stencils: found these in the airbrush section. They had regular stencils but they also have body art and nail stencils. If you don't like the look of the traditional indian or Moroccan (or other) stencils these are pretty cool and contemporary. There were several brands ASO (Air Source One - based in Commack, NY tel (516) 543-4017), ECAB and Createx. Various prices, lots of different designs. That's it for today. If you have a Pearl Paint near you, go check it out...if not, lobby to get on