Re: New Skin convert
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Posted by Kenzi on January 11, 2000 at 02:09:03:
In Reply to: Re: New Skin convert posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 11, 2000 at 01:36:49:
: If you have lemon juice in your paste, you can go straight to New Skin : without any lemon-sugar at all. Just let your henna dry in place, then : do the NS. Your perspiration under the wrap will remoisten the henna : while the New Skin keeps it absolutely pristine. Hmmm, I'll have to try this. I used the lemon sugar as a kind of barrier layer between the New Skin and my skin so that the New Skin would come off more easily. My entirely non-scientific basis for this is an experience of a friend/henna client; I did her henna, didn't use the lemon-sugar, just the NS, and she said she had a hell of a time getting the NS off. Have you found this to be true or is my friend just having a different reaction because of skin differences (she's about 15 years older than me so her skin is less oily)? I was really happy with the New Skin because I could see the design wihtout risking its staining ability. And I slept well knowing that my henna was not going to come off during the night. Also I used a winter glove because I couldn't find any clean rubber gloves around the house. My hands were so toasty that I had to take the glove off before i had woken up completely...I found it on the floor in the morning! Needless to say, my henna is DARK. Your designs look great on me, CCJ! : If you do the soles of your feet, New Skin them when the henna is : a second round of NS, then wrap, put on socks or slippers : ...AND YOU CAN WALK ON THEM FOOTSIES!!!!! : Getting the NS off.....pick at it like it's a sunburn pealing...or rub : in a little cocoabutter and it will slide off. Actually, I like NS : for really dense foofoo patterning, and with that stuff, the NS just : rinses off with the henna in the morning.