Re: NewSkin (again..)
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Posted by star-grazer on January 15, 2000 at 17:07:19:
In Reply to: Re: NewSkin (again..) posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on January 14, 2000 at 03:45:27:
: I find that enough NS to hold my design perfectly hinders mobility : enough to make hennaeing the second hand impossible (with the suddenly : stiff-as-wood hand) Here's one of the things I do love about it.... I : can henna the palm, and work onto the back of the hand, enjoying : spiralling up the fingers and onto the arm....and as bits get done, I : just NS it and go on....up to 4 hours at a stretch, without a crumb : of infintessimal twiddling falling off! : You'll probably have to just do the next hand the second day. I always : recommend one hand per day. That way, you won't have to cross you : legs until you find a really close and compassionate friend to help : you with an urgent private matter. : The spray is a little more reliable for gently laminating every last : thread in place than the paint. : NS will cope with some shifting...depends on the area. : NS is one of the few things I've ever tried that side-by-side makes a : startling improvement in color. The clove oil has gallotannic acid. : That, wraps and heat. Big difference.
My experiences with New Skin has not been a very good one. I have found that using it on my skin has caused bad itching and extreme difficulty with trying to get it off. I have tried using cocoa butter with no luck. It may hold the design well but at cost to my sanity. I purchased some liquid latex from castle art with better results. It keeps the design well and also keeps it moist underneath (due to the fact your skin can't breath under there). It does grab itself and your clothing though. Getting if off is easy, all you have to do is pull on it. Since it does stay moist under there it also makes for a very dark completed design. I have steered away from New Skin from my clients and offered this to them instead although I do let them know I do have New Skin too. If any one has a better way of removing it I would love to hear from you. Maybe I'm not using the right kind of cocoa butter. I have been applying the kind that is used for pregnant women that I purchased at Target stores. Also, I did a design on a client that is a nurse and he had me use a product called Opsite. It is a very thin breathable patch used for surgery and IV's. It worked extremely well but I have found it difficult to get and quite expensive. About $1.50 per 2"x4" piece, coming in a box of 50. I have also found it in a roll, price unknown. When I get the bucks I am going to buy a box of it and try it out. I will let you all know of my results.