The Brilliance is Underwhelming...
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Posted by Amy L. on January 16, 2000 at 00:11:46:
Last night I was doing one of CCJ's patterns - it came out faboo, esp. as this is the first time I've really fine-lined anything. BUT, I have a warning for anyone who uses ziplock bags: don't put any strain on the ziplock strip, any pressure whatsoever. I pressed a wee bit too hard, the bag 'sploded from the zip end, and my bag hand is now orange! *sighs* Kudos to Amy of Castleart for selling henna that stains like there's no tomorrow, even when it's a month old (the hand I intended to henna is a lovely brown color)... but oh, criminy, I feel stupid now :) Just a cautionary tale, and feel free to have a few chuckles at my expense.