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Posted by Natasha Papousek on January 18, 2000 at 15:32:37:
In Reply to: Re: WHITE FLY/APHID SOLUTIONS!! posted by Eve on January 17, 2000 at 17:18:32:
I got some insecticidal soap and it appears to have done the job. I wish I had the time to wash my plants everyday...they're lower down on the attention list than I;d like, but they don't complain as loudly as the spouse, cats and fish do... My plants are outdoors. (OK, I know I'll suffer for this mild winter come summer when it's 114F...) They're usually outdoors and only one other plant (a verbena) has had an infestation of aphids in the whole year that I've had these plants. The aphids seem only attracted to the henna...