easy moist heating pad
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Posted by rosie on January 22, 2000 at 03:02:57:
In Reply to: handwarmers - 3 types posted by Eliz. on January 15, 2000 at 15:49:32:
Reading these warming devices makes me realize that I probably have another great solution sitting in a drawer. Great for sore necks and stiff bodyparts (oh dear--I swear that was intended as an innocent remark. I looked at it and almost changed it to muscular stiffness but that is worse :-o)is this easy to make heating pad: 1. Cut a square of soft fabric (anything that will not fry in a microwave--it has to be soft and have some give) approximately 8"x15" ________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |________| 2. Fold the fabric the "long way" wrong side out and sew on short edge around to a long edge so that you have the "top" short edge open. open---> ____ *| : *| : *| : *| : *| :<----fold *| : *| : *|____: *sewn edges ****** 3. Turn right side out and fill halfway with uncooked rice (cooked would be gross), and sew shut. Tadah! Toss it in the microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes and there you go. It lasts for at least half an hour. Be careful--it's very hot at first. You can also put it in the freezer for a few hours and have a homemade icepack. I am expecting some henna from castleart (thanks Carrie) soon, and I will try out my heating padd and let you guys know how it turns out. Rosie