Parthian royal ointment.....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 01, 2000 at 03:10:42:
The Medes and Persians used henna way back when ..... and Partington, 1935, p 424, "Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry" supplies one of their formulae for the royal ointment of Parthian Kings (presumably a Persion inventions) : "...cinnamon, spieknard, myrrh, cassia, gum storax, saffron, cardamon, ben (myrobalanos), costus, ammomum, arbutus (comarus) ladannnnum, opobalsamum, sweet calamus, wild vine flower (oenanthus) malabathrum serichatum , cyperus, aspalathus, opoponaz, HENNA, marjoram, clarified honey and wine. " The King of the Medes got an ointment of lion's fat, palm wine, saffron and helianthes.